A professional portrait of a smiling woman wearing a black blazer over a white top, with crossed arms.

Sasha Zakka

About me

Originally from Lebanon, I have lived in many countries including Ireland, the US and Italy. I am a driven and goal-oriented individual, always keen to learn new things.

shapeSasha Zakka
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in Finance
Aerial view of a coastal city skyline with high-rise buildings and a body of water under a hazy sky

"What has enriched my experience the most has been working and studying alongside a very diverse body of students and professors from whom I have learned so much."

Sasha Zakka

Learning in and out of the classroom

Sasha has an international background, having lived in several countries before coming to IE University. She studied finance for her bachelor’s degree at the American University of Beirut. In addition to her native Lebanon, she has lived in Ireland, the United States and Italy, before she was drawn to Spain and IE University.

After attaining her bachelor’s, she worked in auditing at PricewaterhouseCoopers for two years. However, she realized her true passion was in finance. Sasha wanted to bring her knowledge base to a higher level while cementing her shift back into the field, which led to her decision to pursue a Master in Finance at IE Business School.

Sasha feels the experience has been one of growth on both a personal and a professional level. She says the Master in Finance is a program taught by professionals with direct experience in the field. As such, she admits it was demanding, saying it pushed her to her limits—but in the best way possible! She enjoyed the social aspect too, and values the connections she has made during the program.

She joined clubs that matched her ambitions and interests, being a member of the Private Equity & Venture Capital Club and the Institutional Asset Management Club, as well as the Women in Business Mentorship Program. Thanks to her participation in these clubs’ activities and initiatives, Sasha built up her network even further, forming connections with individuals who share the same interests and passions. She describes that network as “invaluable.”

Thanks to the rigor of her program, Sasha now feels confident to face any challenge head-on. Her newly acquired skill set and knowledge are tools she will use to pursue her career goals, both right now and in the future. She’s already landed a new role in Global Markets at HSBC London, where she will be starting this summer.

And it’s not just the hard skills she’s gained that she’ll be taking along with her; she has learned valuable personal lessons too. During her time at IE University, Sasha realized how important it is to get involved and get to know people—after all, a lot of learning happens outside of formal studies. The diverse body of students and professors enriched her experience at the university, and Sasha says she learned a lot from her peers, both in and out of the classroom. We’re confident the skills she’s learned, her own qualities and the connections she’s made will all stand her in very good stead for the future!