IE Business School and London Business School sign exchange agreement for Master in Finance students

IE Business School signs partnership with London Business School for study exchange.

IE Business School Masters in Finance students and their counterparts at the London Business School can now participate in study exchanges, thanks to a new partnership agreement. Students at IE Business School and London Business School will have the opportunity to study at each other’s campuses during the elective stage, allowing them to expand their networks and access services at both schools. This alliance adds to the existing one signed in 2018 with the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, allowing for Master in Finance students’ exchange.

From the upcoming 2019-2020 academic year, MIF students will be able to participate in academic sessions, expand their international network in the financial field, visit companies and meet with recruiters to boost their professional careers.

“Growth in the Masters in Finance makes it imperative to project an international dimension. IE's Masters in Finance partnership with London Business School, building on that of the Frankfurt School of Finance, will be a great asset, allowing our students to expand their academic experience, networking and job opportunities,” said Ignacio de la Torre, Director of the Masters in Finance at IE Business School.

“Both schools share values of diversity, future-focus and innovation.”

“We’re delighted to be adding IE to our special group of international exchange partners,” said Kate Forman, Programme Director for the Masters in Finance at London Business School, “Both schools share values of diversity, future-focus and innovation, and our students will now be able to experience this in two key European finance locations.”

As part of this commitment to the reinvention of education, students of the Masters in Finance at IE Business School can also specialize in Fintech. Students are trained in areas such as blockchain, crowdfunding, cryptocurrency, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence in the financial industry and algorithmic trading, among others. The Masters in Finance is hands on and incorporates learning tools such as real-time portfolio management simulations using the Bloomberg platform Factset, as well as Matlab, a fixed-income programming software. Students can complete their training in London and New York by visiting investment banks and hedge funds, holding meetings with financial executives and learning about the operation of Wall Street and the London Stock Exchange. At the social impact level, students cooperate in projects such as NGO Financieros Sin Fronteras in Ghana, to learn about the role of microfinance institutions in eradicating poverty.