IE Business School Student Maria Hahn Wins Web Summit’s 2019 PITCH Competition with Nutrix

IE Business School Student Maria Hahn Wins Web Summit’s 2019 PITCH Competition with Nutrix
The winner of this year’s Web Summit PITCH competition for early-stage startups was Nutrix, a medtech startup founded by Maria Hahn, an alumna of the International MBA who also serves as CEO, and Nikjil Singh.

Nutrix is a high tech nanosensor that detects glucose levels in saliva and delivers the information via external app. The sensor, which is non-invasive and placed on the user’s tooth, will also track food intake and provide dietary tips based on the gathered information.

The Web Summit is one of the largest annual conferences for the global technology industry. More than 70,000 visitors, including 11,000 CEOs and founders from over 163 countries attended this November’s event in Lisbon, Portugal. The PITCH competition brings together the world’s most ambitious early-stage startups for competition. This year’s finals competition took place over three days and included 900 startups from around the world.

Hahn expects Nutrix to make a deep impact on the medical industry. “Glucose is just the beginning,” she said during her Web Summit pitch. “It is only the beginning because biosensors are just developing and we can monitor so much more information from the saliva.”

“We are here to open the market for wearable biosensors,” she concluded. Watch Hahn deliver the winning pitch here.

Nutrix was also chosen as Web Summit’s 2019 Unicorn Start Up Winner, sponsored by Siemens.

Hahn and Singh came up with the idea in March this year and are incubating it at Basel Children’s Hospital in Basel, Switzerland in collaboration with the University of Helsinki.

Hahn is a graduate of IE Business School’s International MBA program. The one-year MBA program allows students to tailor their studies, based on their interests and professional development plans. Students can train as creators, and take an entrepreneurial approach track; transformers, if they want to develop their career as managers in the corporate world; innovators or disruptors.

The School also recently launched the first Tech MBA in Europe, a one year program which will launch in September 2020 and will provide an immersive learning experience in areas of technology, management and transformational leadership for managers who want to develop their career in technology companies or for those who want to work in technological positions in other sectors.