IE Hosts 2nd BBA Business Challenge Competition on Sustainability

IE Hosts 2nd BBA Business Challenge Competition on Sustainability
Teams of undergraduate business students from around the world compete to find solutions to real business problems in the 2nd BBA Business Challenge Competition.

The Bachelor in Business Administration Management Team hosted the 2nd IE Business School BBA Business Challenge Competition, with 12 teams from top universities all around the world competing on a short and a long business case around the theme of sustainability.

The competition runs Feb. 17- 21 and pits four-person teams from IE, the University of Warwick, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Nottingham Business School, The University of Melbourne , TEC de Monterrey and Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University—to name a few.

Competing teams will have 4 hours – for a short case – and 24 hours – for a long case – to solve real business problems and present their solution to a panel of industry and academic professionals. In addition to the competition, a part of the program for students and advisors will be having the opportunity to socialize in cross-cultural interactions with the other teams as well as to visit Segovia.

BBA Associate Dean Marc Smelik welcomed the global partners and said the competition was a great way to contribute to the positive development of bachelor students.

“At IE we love the combination of international team work, learning while competing, and analyzing sustainable business solutions.”

“At IE we love the combination of international team work, learning while competing, and analyzing sustainable business solutions. It's our central purpose, to create a better world through collaboration across dimension of cultures, industries and disciplines,” Smelik said. “By analyzing and debating tricky challenges, we learn to think and we learn to persuade.”

Dean Martin Boehm said the event had earned a spot in the annual IE Business School calendar.

“We will continue this tradition every February and offer students the possibility to interact with schools from around the world through a week of business case solving and networking,” Boehm said. “We are thrilled to host the competition and cannot wait for the III edition in February 2021.”