IE student with pink jacket from Executive master in Digital Transformation

Executive Master in Digital Transformation & Innovation Leadership

duration13 Months
locationMadrid, Online & International Destination
duration13 Months
locationMadrid, Online & International Destination


Creating impact isn't something that just happens. It's dependent on a complex mix—not just specific skills and behaviors, but experience, talent, knowhow, resilience, empathy, foresight, strategic vision. In short, impact is about who you are, how you think and how you act.  

At IE Business School, we’ll help you refine the skills you need to get things done with a focus on the purpose for doing them. We’ll sharpen your critical, strategic and creative thinking, and teach you new behaviors that empower you to find innovative solutions, influence and persuade your team and make you more appealing to any potential recruiters.   

We’ll help you perfect the skills you need to achieve your specific goals, arming you with the digital knowhow that's essential to make your mark on your organization at every level.  

You’ll get to fine tune your learnings by tackling real life scenarios in the safety of our lab environment, recreating situations from the business world in Labs as varied as Career Trajectory, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity and Design Thinking. Explore, learn and, yes, make mistakes in an environment that encourages you to step up in pursuit of the next best you.


What the Executive Master in Digital Transformation and Innovative Leadership can do for you...

The technology of business is advancing at an unprecedented pace, changing the way we do business and redefining the skills needed for a successful career. The Executive Master in Digital Transformation and Innovation Leadership does more than bring you up-to-date with that curve—it teaches you to stay ahead of it.  

The World Economic Forum now places technological literacy and analytical and creative thinking among the most critical tools for future career success. That’s why the program builds a 360° skill set, with a future-focused curriculum designed to bring out the next best you in leadership, tech savvy and digital transformation.

IE Master un Customer Experience and innovation Students


Future career paths in business are built on tech skills. The Executive Master in Digital Transformation and Innovative Leadership will give you mastery of those skills, of course. 

But the entrepreneurial approach that characterizes all our programs also prepares you not just for immediate impact within your current organization, but long-term success further down the road. Get ready to set your aspirations high. And then surpass them.



Thinking Skills

It's in the challenging moments where you really leave an impact on your team and your organization. Deep and long-lasting thinking skills such as empathy, open-mindedness, perspective and self-analysis stand you in good stead in these circumstances. On this program, the diversity of opinions and worldviews you'll encounter, along with the academic demands and the need to step up in team projects or conceive innovative solutions to real-life business scenarios, will impart the mindset and cognitive abilities you need to flourish as a leader in a complex business landscape.

Impact Skills

The theory is all very well, but it's turning that theory into changed behavior that will make you the transformational leader your company, and your career, demand. And with courses covering Leading with Impact, Positive Psychology and Leadership among others, you'll graduate with those behaviors as second nature.

dIGITAL Skills

Impactful leadership and behavioral skills will only get you so far in digital transformation if you lack the cutting-edge knowledge to lead the way in emerging tech. This program covers the key technologies that are reshaping the business ecosystem such as blockchain, machine learning and AI and more. Add the chance to put your new tech skills to the test and gain experience with emerging tech in our Labs, and a Capstone Project that pulls everything you've learned together, and you'll graduate as the complete digital transformation and innovation leader.


To navigate the dynamic landscape of work successfully, you need to develop enduring impact skills that will journey with you throughout your career, undeterred by any social, digital, or economic shifts.​ This is where the Impact Skills Accelerator comes in as a crucial component of your Executive Master in Digital Transformation & Innovation Leadership that will help you develop and refine an essential and unique set of impact skills through comprehensive training. You will be able to think critically, communicate effectively, collaborate with diverse teams, adapt to change.... and really make things happen in the workplace and beyond.​

Elena Maran: from the Executive Master in Digital Transformation & Innovation Leadership to a major career shift in AI

Elena Maran, IE University alum and AI expert, chats about her experience, changing careers and the newest trends in the industry.