Blended Methodology | IE Business School

Blended Methodology


Our approach isn’t just online and it isn’t just on campus – it’s blended. We align and combine the best of technology, methodology and our world-class faculty, so you can experience multi-layered learning in a multi-faceted environment.

Blended Methodology | IE Business School

Our blended methodology combines live videoconferences, interactive forums, and activities with face-to-face modules in various locations around the world. By bringing together the best of online and in-person courses, we provide students with an unconventional educational experience so that you can learn in the same  way you work, because the business world is no longer confined to physical spaces.

Our videoconferences provide a personalized learning experience that adapts to the needs of modern professionals by providing distance learning in an up-close and personal real time experience. The small group sizes, along with the nature of our videoconferences, provide a sense  of proximity that simulates the in-classroom experience. Instead of a conventional approach to online lectures, students participate in case study analyses to actively engage with the material. Your professors will create a stimulating learning environment in which you will feel encouraged to participate. Our technology contributes to this by featuring classmates as they participate, and dividing the classroom into smaller groups to discuss specific topics.

Within the online component of the course, we make room for more face-to-face interaction with group work and case study analyses as well as asynchronous discussion forums. Students present their group findings to the class, just as they would in a physical classroom. By participating in online forums, students are able to engage with their fellow classmates, pose meaningful questions, and respond to the professor.

Blended Methodology | IE Business School
Welcome to the wow room

Our updated, state-of-the-art WOW Room is a virtual learning experience without limits. It allows for enhanced collaboration and networking capabilities, resulting in a dynamic, intercultural exchange of knowledge and ideas. Some of the world’s most innovative technology has gone into producing this unique, lifelike virtual learning experience:

  • Blended Methodology | IE Business School
  •  Blended Methodology | IE Business School
  • Blended Methodology | IE Business School
  • Blended Methodology | IE Business School


Is it part-time? Is it online? Is it in-person? No, it’s blended.

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected and fast-paced, we understand that professionals face unique challenges in the modern-day classroom. With this in mind, we have developed our blended methodology as a new way to approach the learning experience. Blended learning combines online learning with face-to-face interaction, so that students are free to customize their education so that it fits seamlessly into their lives.

  • Blended Methodology | IE Business School


    Today’s dynamic professionals need flexible programs that adapt to their circumstances. Our portfolio offers different formats that suit different lifestyles. Your education should enhance and complement your global career, which is why with our blended methodology, you can combine your professional life with your academic experience.

  • Blended Methodology | IE Business School


    One of the main benefits of the blended methodology is balance, whether it be at work, in academics, or in your personal life. The blended approach gives you the freedom to advance your career while simultaneously pursuing a valuable, meaningful education.

  • Blended Methodology | IE Business School


    You’ll never feel like you’re missing out on the physical classroom experience with the variety of tools offered. With online activities, video chats, and more, our online platform is innovative and interactive. Our forums are unique, with professors tracking participation and students encouraged to engage.

  • Blended Methodology | IE Business School


    Our Blended Methodology allows you to meet international professionals and create long-lasting business relationships. IE provides the perfect platform for profound global connection, mixing real, face-to-face contact with continued online interaction. We celebrate diversity, and our blended cohorts combine professionals from different backgrounds, functions, industries, nationalities and places of residence for a truly blended experience.


Your life is already a blend of digital and physical interactions: you buy tickets for a concert on an app, schedule work meetings using an online calendar, and collaborate with coworkers in person and via email. Why not approach education in the same way? The mix of remote and in-person collaboration prepares professionals for real-world experiences in executive leadership.

Blended Methodology | IE Business School




  • Pioneering online education for over 20 years | This approach to on-and-offline education is unique and our years of experience have allowed us to develop a highly interactive experience in multi-layered environments, which enables us to drive knowledge to its full potential.

    Constantly updated to stay relevant | We learn the specific needs and demands of each cohort’s profile and context. In this way, we stay at the forefront.

    A reflection of the global workplace
    Today’s professionals are no longer confined to an office for the duration of their working life. Global executives need a program that will prepare them for the unique challenges of the modern workplace.

    Smart | We use the best and most up-to-date technology to create program suited to savvy executives.

    Personalized | Reduced class-sizes and interactive online classes support meaningful and dynamic discussions amongst students.

  • Taught by international leaders in business | Over 1,000 professors spread around the globe bring an unparalleled knowledge of cases from every corner of the corporate world. Around 70% of our faculty are active members of the business world, endowing them with unique and valuable insights into global business.

    Real | Life is blended, and we think that education should be blended, too.

    A global educational experience | Our students come from all around the world, providing you with a unique opportunity to network with global executives that match your profile. Our interactive blended format will give you countless chances to interact with the best that international business has to offer.

    Diverse | Like the global workplace, IE is diverse. Our students and faculty represent countless cultural and professional backgrounds, leading to a highly enriched learning environment.

  • Just another online format | Our blended, interactive online format goes beyond what you’ve seen in online programs. Our classes engage students and provide space for meaningful interactions with peers and professors.

    Just another part-time format | This approach to the blended format is exclusive to IE. You won’t find another like it! We blend our unique online

  • learning forums, videoconferences, and multimedia with face-to-face interaction during our intensive week-long sessions.

    Just a normal networking opportunity | With more than 130 nationalities  within our student body, and professors from all over the world, you’ll be studying in a truly international environment. The connections and the knowledge you’ll be exposed to is beyond compare!


Get an up-close-and-personal look at the new way of learning. Find out how much further you can go with our highly innovative Blended programs.

Blended Methodology | IE Business School