Sustainability & Business Transformation

Leading better business for a better world


Careers in this pathway are diverse but share a focus on the critical transition of business to more sustainable practices, products and ways of working.  It’s about rethinking business in terms of its impact on the environment, society, employees and other stakeholders.

The objective is to reduce or eliminate negative impacts and maximize positive impacts through the formulation and implementation of sustainability-driven strategies and responsible business management and leadership.  

Sustainability & Business Transformation is a new and rapidly growing career pathway and so we are continually engaging with company recruiters and tracking the job market to highlight key career areas for your next steps. Our mission is to help you make a good choice about whether this pathway might be a good fit with your aspirations, strength and goals. Explore the major career areas we've identified for you in this pathway and their transversal applicability.


Professionals in Sustainability & Esge Strategy play key roles such as Sustainable Business Strategy Consultants, guiding companies in formulating visionary strategies. They may also serve at Sustainability Offices, overseeing the transformation of business strategies for multidimensional value creation. These experts are integral to corporate sustainability departments, consulting firms (both general and specialized), and financial institutions.

Sustainable Product Management & Customer Value

Within Sustainable Product Management & Customer Value, individuals take on roles like Sustainable Product Managers and Sustainability Marketing Specialists. They lead efforts to align products with customer values, creating offerings that resonate beyond profit. Opportunities arise in sectors such as consumer goods, retail, technology, and fashion.

Sustainability Analytics & Financing

Within Sustainability Analytics & Financing, individuals may hold positions such as Sustainability Data Analysts or ESG Investment Analysts. They play a crucial role in quantifying progress and attracting investments from sectors such as financial services, investment firms, corporate finance, and sustainability consulting.

Sustainable Operations & Value Chain

Professionals in Sustainable Operations & Value Chain, including Circular Value Chain Managers, drive the transition to sustainable sourcing and operations. They may work as Sustainable Supply Chain Analysts, orchestrating processes that respect natural resources and empower local communities. Opportunities span across manufacturing, logistics, energy, and retail sectors. But this space expands beyond the obvious, involving not only responsible sourcing and operational efficiency but also promoting inclusion and well-being in the workforce through collaboration with Human Resource Management.

Social & Environmental Entrepreneurship

Roles in this area involve business activities that have social impact as Entrepreneurs in Social & Environmental Entrepreneurship establish ventures with significant impact, holding positions like Social Entrepreneurs or Sustainable Tech Innovators. These individuals may be founders of startups addressing challenges in technology, renewable energy, and impact investing, contributing to positive change at the intersection of business and societal needs. developing and implementing solutions to social problems via for-profit or non-profit companies, NGOs, or governmental or multilateral organizations. It’s also about driving positive change by launching startups—or joining scale-ups—whose products or services focus on addressing social issues.


If you are excited about Sustainability and Business Transformation, we offer several educational options to kick-start or accelerate your career. 

BachelorsMore information below
MastersMore information below
MBASMore information below
Dual MastersMore information below
MastersMore information below
MBASMore information below
Dual MastersMore information below


We invite you to challenge yourself. Join us in a new movement of business professionals working to change the world. If your pathway is Sustainability & Business Transformation, your business decisions can have a big impact on the environment and society, and therefore on our lives. How? Become the best version of yourself and get involved in projects such as:


Developing business strategies that take into consideration environmental impact...

by pursuing sustainable sourcing, circular product design, sustainable production, reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions, and better waste management. 


Incorporating societal and human-impact considerations...

 into strategic formulation, planning and execution. 


Designing employee-centric corporate structures, practices and procedures...

that foster sustainable work environments, well-being, and human and professional development. 


Communicating ESG strategy to all internal and external stakeholders...

and fostering transparency in ESG metrics and reporting.