Center for Climate Change
The environmental challenges that we now face are multiple and multidimensional but also intertwined. From biodiversity loss, ocean pollution, climate change, water security…
Climate change is one of the most complex societal challenges of our times.
It is a global problem, felt on a local scale that will be around for decades to come, even if it is adequately tackled at global level.
Multidimensional approaches are needed to overcome this reality, through science, policy, regulation, economics, society and culture.
To mitigate the effects of climate change, science shows that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere must fall by 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 to limit global temperature rise to a safe level of 1.5° C. This can happen both by reducing emissions (i.e. switching to cleaner sources of energy for electricity, heat, cold or transport) and by enhancing the capture of these gases through stable sinks that accumulate and store carbon (such as the oceans, forests and soils through innovative solutions)
Enhanced adaptative strategies to face a changing climate are required to reduce our exposure and vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change and increasing the capacity and vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change. As well as increasing the capacity of communities to be more resilient and coping better. This demands from a sound governance, suitable finance to further technological progress.
The synergies between adaptation and mitigation are clear.
Combining climate change adaptation and mitigation, through sustainable water resources management, is a win-win proposal. Improving the delivery of water supply and sanitation services and addressing both the causes and impacts of climate change, including disaster risk reduction.
There are no mitigation pathways without adaptation pathways.