The UN System Workplace Mental Health & Well-being Retreat, hosted at IE’s Madrid and Segovia campuses from May 22 – May 26, 2023, was a groundbreaking event that aimed to shape the future of workplace mental health and well-being within the United Nations. Over these five intensive days, the UN System Workplace Mental Health & Well-being Strategy Implementation Board convened to craft a comprehensive strategy for 2024 and beyond that would ensure a mentally health workplace for all UN organizations and duty stations.

 One of the key highlights of this retreat was the commitment to follow the policy set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) to tackle mental health in the workplace. This policy brief is internationally recognized as an effective tool for creating a healthier work environment for employees.

Reducing the stigma related to mental health emerged as a central theme throughout the retreat. Creating policies and strategies that normalize discussions about mental health and destigmatize seeking help is essential in fostering a supportive work culture. 

Another key theme was the importance of organization-wide action and recognizing that everyone has a role to play. To ensure the strategy’s success, every staff member, from leadership to all levels, must embrace it organization-wide.

IE University had the honor to host this pivotal event, witnessing firsthand the remarkable collaboration and idea generation that unfolded over the five days. The UN system invested valuable time and resources to formulate a comprehensive mental health strategy. This in turn sets an inspiring example for businesses and organizations worldwide.

Here are four key takeaways from the event that can benefit any organization looking to prioritize well-being and create a corresponding strategy:

1. Engage key stakeholders across the system

One of the critical lessons learned was the importance of involving key stakeholders from various functions, cultures, agencies, and backgrounds. Getting buy-in and advocacy at all levels helps to ensure the successful implementation of a strategy.

2. Balancing global guidelines and local nuances in your workplace mental health policy

While it’s crucial to establish global guidelines for consistency, it’s equally important to allow for local adaptations and nuances. Recognizing and respecting cultural diversity and unique contexts will enable effective implementation across different regions and organizations.

3. Develop a comprehensive mental health and well-being action plan

The board emphasized the significance of creating a well-structured action plan. To start, define key goals or priorities, and then determine what success looks like for each of them. Identify the stakeholders involved, outline the next steps, and allocate the necessary resources for implementation.

4. Measure what you treasure

An essential aspect of any strategy is monitoring progress and identifying areas for improvement. By establishing reliable measurements, we gain valuable insights into the system-wide progress of the strategy. These measurements help us pinpoint pain points and identify intervention opportunities for continuous enhancement. We are so excited to witness the board implementing these insights in their strategy over the coming years. Here’s to a healthy workplace for a better world!

As we look ahead, we are excited to see the UN System Workplace Mental Health & Well-being board implement these insights into their strategy over the coming years. Together, we can strive for a healthier workplace that contributes to a better world for all.