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- Economics At Ie University
At IE University, we believe that the study of economics is a gateway to greater impact. Across all our programs, research initiatives and events, the positive role economics can play in broader societal or sector contexts always takes center stage. Just as in the real world, our economics programs are interwoven with technology, management, entrepreneurship and humanitarian progress. Regardless of the industry in question, the purpose is always to use economics as an active tool. This hands-on nature is made possible by the incredible faculty at IE University, who are both academic experts and frontline practitioners. Their research and experience illuminates this complex, global system, revealing how the study of economics can be leveraged for maximum impact.
In today’s world, understanding our global economic system is more important than ever. With cryptocurrencies and fintech redefining our global relationship with wealth distribution, individuals who possess a deep knowledge of economics are in a position to extract insights and wisdom, and discover exciting new possibilities. This study of the flow of scarce resources around our world puts us in a prime position to leverage unique insights to drive innovation and achieve positive change. In this site you can discover IE University's relation with economics, from faculty to students, programs, research and other initiatives.
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Our economics offering at IE University spans from the bachelor’s to executive education level, combining a deep understanding of the systems at play with related areas. Whether you wish to unlock organizational value or drive positive change, IE University’s economics programs provide the hands-on tools you need for lasting career success.
Economics affects diverse market contexts and a holistic education is essential to fully understand it. In this program, we draw on our expertise in management and technology to train economics professionals able to navigate today’s complexities.
The Master in Applied Economics provides the tools and insights necessary to apply economic theory or econometrics to particular situations. Upon graduation, participants will be better able to enhance business practices and define policies.
This Dual Degree is centered around building strong relationships between key public and private sector actors—whether governmental, nonprofit or businesses-oriented. In the program, students learn how to make an impact in organizations that create societal value.
To inspire change, you need a holistic understanding of the systems at play in our world. This program combines knowledge in four crucial areas to prepare strategic, analytically focused professionals able to shape the future of our world.
Dual Degree in Economics & Applied Mathematics
The Dual Degree in Economics & Applied Mathematics combines a comprehensive understanding of economics with the robust nature of applied mathematics. Pursuing this dual degree program will provide you with a unique skill set that is increasingly sought after across a wide variety of career paths.
Members of our world-class faculty are experts in economics and active contributors to knowledge-generation in the field. Their insights, research and forward-thinking teaching methodologies make them invaluable assets to IE University and the wider economics community. Here you can see their career path and the reasearch they have made in the area.
At IE University, our impact on economics extends the wider academic and business community. From our faculty who contribute cutting-edge research to events and resources we have on campus, we seek to train diverse economics professionals while making an active contribution to knowledge generation.
- Garriga, C., Gete, P. and Tsouuderou, A. (2023). “The Economic Effects of Real Estate Investors,” Forthcoming in Real Estate Economics, January 19, 2023
- Gete, P., Zeccheto. (2023). “Mortgage Design and Slow Recoveries. The Role of Recourse and Default,” Review of Economic Studies, May 01, 2023
- G. Benmir, I. Jaccard, G. Vermandel. (2023). “Optimal Monetary Policy in an Estimated SIR Model,” European Economic Review, June 13, 2023
- Evans R., Gómez, J.P., Ma, L and Tang Y. (2023). “Peer versus Pure Benchmarks in the Compensation of Mutual Fund Managers,” Forthcoming at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, September 09, 2023
- Fernández-Kranz, N. Nollenberger (2022). “The Effect of Equal Parenting Time Laws on Family and Child Outcomes: Evidence from Spain,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 195, March 2022, pp. 303-325
- Fernández-Kranz, D., Roff, J.L. (2022) "Child Custody Laws and Household Outcomes," The Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 2022
- Gómez, J.P., M. Prado and R. Zambrana (2022) “Capital Commitment and Performance: The Role of Mutual Fund Charges” (with Melissa Prado and Rafael Zambrana). Forthcoming in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
- Rodrigo Alegría, Pablo Cárabe, Alejandro Chahoud & Ainara González de San Román. (2022). “The novel liquid learning system and the online gap in academic performance,” Education Economics, 31:5, 599-616, August 23, 2022
- Gómez, J.P., Prado M. and Zambrana, R. (2022). “Capital Commitment and Performance: The Role of Mutual Fund Charges,” Forthcoming at the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, November 01, 2022
- Gómez, J.P. and Mironov, M. (2022). “Do markets price CEOs health hazards? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic,” Forthcoming at the Quarterly Journal of Finance, November 28, 2022
- Fernández-Kranz, D., Roff, J.L., Sun, H. (2021). “Can Reduced Child Support Make Joint Custody Bad for Children? The Role of Economic Incentives in U.S. Divorce Law on Child Outcomes”. The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 189, pp 1-27.
- Fernández-Kranz, D., Rodríguez-Planas, N. (2021). “Too Family Friendly? The Consequences of Parents’ Right to Request Part-Time Work”. Journal of Public Economics, 2021, Vol. 197.
- Arenas-Arroyo, E., Fernández-Kranz, D., Nollenberger, N. (2021). “Intimate Partner Violence under Forced Cohabitation and Economic Stress: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 194
- Fernández-Kranz, D., Roff (2021). "Child Custody Laws and Household Outcomes," joint with Jennifer Roff. The Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics.
- Gómez, J.P. and M. Mironov (2021) “Using Soccer Games as an Instrument to Forecast the Spread of COVID-19 in Europe” (with Maxim Mironov), Finance Research Letters 43, November 2021.
- Gimeno, R., Grau, P., Gabaldón, P. (2021). “Shades of power: Network links with gender quotas and corporate governance codes”. British Journal of Management.
- Campopiano, G., Gabaldon, P. and Gimenez, D. (2021) Women Directors and Corporate Social Performance: Integrative Review of the Literature and Agenda for Future Research accepted for publication in Journal of Business Ethics. (forthcoming)
- Clark, C.; Arora, P. & Gabaldon, P. (2021) "Female Representation on Corporate Boards in Europe: The Interplay of Organizational Social Consciousness and Institutions", accepted for publication in Journal of Business Ethics. (forthcoming)
- Gete, P., Reher, M. (2021). “Mortgage Securitization and Shadow Bank Lending”. The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 34 (5): 2236-2274
- Atif, M., Hossain. M., Alam, M.S., Goergen, M. (2021). “Does Gender Diversity Affect Renewable Energy Consumption?” Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 66
- Beedasy, J., Petkova, E., Lacker, S., Sury, J. (2021). “Gulf Coast parents speak: children’s health in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill”. Environmental Hazards, Vol. 20 (3): 248-263
- Clacher, I., Garcia Osma, B., Scarlat, E., Shields, K. (2021). “Do commonalities facilitate private information channels? Evidence from common gender and insider trading”. Journal of Corporate Finance (forthcoming)
- Trombetta, M. (2021). “Financial Reporting and Macroeconomics”. The European Journal of Finance
- Garcia-Lomas, I., Gabaldón, P. (2021). “Gender – from variable to lens in social enterprises: a literature review and research agenda for women involvement in social Ventures,” Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, February 25, 2021
- Alvarez de Mon, I., Gabaldón, P., Nuñez, M. (2021). “Social Entrepeneurs: Making sense of tensions through the Application of Hybird Organizations' alternantive strategies,” International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, April 01, 2021
- Arellano, M., Bonhomme, S., De Vera, M., Hospido, L. and Wei, S. (2021) “Income Risk Inequality: Evidence From Spanish Administrative Records,” Quantitative Economics, (13)4: 1747-1801, October 08, 2021
- Chakraborti, R., Dahiya, S., Ge, L., Gete, P. (2021). “Credit Stimulus, Executive Ownership, and Firm Leverage,” Management Science, Vol. 68 (10) 7065-7791, December 14, 2021
- Bianchi P., Carrera N., Trombetta M. (2020). “The Effects of Auditor Social and Human Capital on Auditor Compensation: Evidence from the Italian Small Audit Firm Market”. European Accounting Review, Vol. 29 (4): 699-721
- Alexander, A., De Vito, A., Jacob, M. (2020). “Corporate Tax Reforms and Tax-Motivated Profit Shifting: Evidence from the EU”. Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 50 (4): 309-341
- De Vito, A., Gómez, J.P. (2020). “Estimating the COVID-19 Cash Crunch: Global Evidence and Policy”. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 39 (2)
- Dong, H., Gil-Bazo, J. (2020). “Sentiment Stocks”. International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 72
- Gete, P., Melkadze, G. (2020). “A Quantitative Model of International Lending of Last Resort”. Journal of International Economics, Vol. 123
- Gete, P. (2020). “Expectations and the housing boom and bust. An open economy view”. Journal of Housing Economics, Vol. 49
- Gómez, J.P. and A. de Vito (2020). “Estimating the COVID-19 Cash Crunch: Global Evidence and Policy”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 39(2), March-April 2020
- Goergen, M., Limbach, P., Scholz-Daneshgari, M. (2020). “Firms’ Rationales for CEO Duality: Evidence from a Mandatory Disclosure Rule”. Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 65
- Ayllón, S., Nollenberger, N. (2020). “The Unequal Opportunity For Skills Acquisition During The Great Recession In Europe”. The Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 67 (2): 289-316
- Saadi, V. (2020). “Role of the Community Reinvestment Act in Mortgage Supply and the U.S. Housing Boom”. The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33 (11): 5288-5332
- Groppa, R., Guettlera, A., Saadi, V. (2020). “Public Bank Guarantees and Allocative Efficiency”. Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 116: 53-69
- Garcia Osma, B., Scarlat, E., Shields, K. (2020). “Insider trading restrictions and earnings management”. Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 50 (3): 205-237
- Allard, G., Williams, C. (2020). “National-level Innovation in Africa Research Policy,” Research Policy, Vol. 49 (7), September 2020
- Bonet, R., Eriksson, T., Ortega, J. (2019). “Up for Review: Unravelling the Link between Formal Evaluations and Performance‐Based Rewards”. Industrial Relations, Vol. 58 (1): 108-137
- Cestau, D. “Municipal Bond Markets”, with Dan Li, Hollified, B., and Norman Schürhoff, Annual Review of Financial Economics (2019).
- Goergen, M., Tonks, I. (2019). “Introduction to Special Issue on Sustainable Corporate Governance”. British Journal of Management, Vol. 30 (1): 3-9
- Goergen, M., Renneboog, L., Zhao, Y. (2019). “Insider Trading and Networked Directors”. Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 56: 152-175
- Goergen, M., Rondi, L. (2019). “Grand Challenges and New Avenues for Corporate Governance Research: Introduction to the Special Issue”. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. 46 (2): 137-146
- Chen, J., Song W., Goergen, M. (2019). “Passing the Dividend Baton: The Impact of Dividend Policy on New CEOs’ Initial Compensation”. Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 56: 458-481
- Chen, J., Leung, W.S., Song, W., Goergen, M. (2019). “Why Female Board Representation Matters: The Role of Female Directors In Reducing Male CEO Overconfidence”. Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 53: 70-90
- Mira, S., Goergen, M., O’Sullivan, N. (2019). “The Market for Non-executives: Takeover Performance and the Subsequent Holding of Directorships”. British Journal of Management, Vol. 30: 415-436
- Andres, C., Betzer, A., Goergen, M. (2019). “Dividend Policy, Corporate Control and Tax Clienteles. The Case of Germany”. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. 46 (2): 157-189
- Goergen, M., Chahine, S., Brewster, C., Wood, G. (2019). “The Relationship between Public Listing, Context, Multi-nationality and Internal CSR”. Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 57: 122-141
- Chen, J., Leung, W.S., Song, W., Goergen, M. (2019). “Research: When Women are on Boards, Male CEOs are less Overconfident”. Harvard Business Review, Vol. September (12)
- Chen, J., Goergen, M., Leung W.S., Song, W. (2019). “CEO and Director Compensation, CEO Turnover and Institutional Investors: Cronyism in the UK?” Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 103 (June): 18-35
- Gómez, J.P., Mironov, M. (2019). “Tax Enforcement and Income Diversion: Evidence after Putin’s election in 2000”. Journal of Law, Finance and Accounting, Vol. 4 (1): 35-65
- Ma, L., Tang, Y., Gómez, J.P. (2019). “Portfolio Manager Compensation in the U.S. Mutual Fund Industry”. Journal of Finance, Vol. 74(2): 587-638
- Trombetta, M. (2019). “Remembering the future: Reflections on accounting and public policy”. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 38 (1): A1-A3
Our students comprise a holistic mix of professional profiles who share an interest in economic trends. After passing through our programs, they go on to apply their newly acquired insights to drive progress in their individual areas.