Imma Puig-Simon

Imma Puig-Simon received an MPhil in political and social sciences from Pompeu Fabra University (SP), a mid-career Masters degree in Public Affairs from Columbia University (USA), specializing in International Economic Policy Management and Energy Policy, and a Masters degree in Political Communication and Strategy from UAB (SP). She has also executive education from Harvard Kennedy School of Government (USA), IESE Business School (SP) and the Center for Higher Studies of National Defense (SP).

With her more than twenty-five years of professional experience, she has acquired extensive knowledge of both public and private sectors, along with a good understanding of the think tank milieu, and a solid international background gained through living in several countries in Europe, North America and Africa.

She worked for almost a decade as a policy advisor for the Spanish Ministry of Industry and for the Spanish Prime Minister, while serving as a member of the Board of Directors for several public-owned companies.

Academically, she has taught in different Universities and Business Schools since year 2000, has conducted research in prestigious international research centers (London School of Economics and Political Science and Max Plank Society), and has worked as an international expert for the United Nations.

Currently, she is the Managing Director of Ipslink Group, a public affairs and strategy boutique, and the Elite-London Stock Exchange representative for Iberia.

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Adjunct Professor