Are you a compliance officer, lawyer and/or expert in the fields of compliance and/or sustainability?
We invite you to write a research article for the Observatory’s website and share your knowledge, vision, analysis, and opinion on current issues in the areas of compliance and sustainability.
The articles will be previously evaluated by the Observatory’s editorial committee, and those that are selected will be published on the website and disseminated through IE University’s official communication channels.
Guidelines for writing:
• The article must address one of the following topics:
– The criminal liability of the Compliance Officer.
– The role of the Compliance Officer in relation to ESG.
– Analysis of recent verdicts in relation to criminal liability of legal persons in Spain.
– The importance of non-financial information. Regulation.
– The future of compliance
– Challenges of compliance in 2022 – 2023.
• The article must be based on your research or previous experience, and they should be supported by data and examples.
• It should be between 800 and 1200 words in length.
• It should be written in English or Spanish.
• It should be clear, concise, and easy to read.
The articles should be sent for review to sustainablecompliance@ie.edu before June 15, 2022, indicating “Article” in the subject line of the email.