Purpose meets profit: Are ESG strategies really worth it?title en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/purpose-meets-profit-esg-strategies-really-worth-it/
Discover how purpose-driven companies design and structure their ESG strategies and the impact these strategies have on various financial and accounting indicators.
11:34 amMarch 10, 2025ArticlesThe Importance of Conscious Governance in Organizationstitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/the-importance-of-conscious-governance-in-organizations/Enrique Aznar, Director IE-Elecnor Ethical Governance & Business Knowledge Hub
1:45 pmSeptember 26, 2024ArticlesTransparency Regulations and the Corporate Culture of Integritytitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/transparency-regulations-and-the-corporate-culture-of-integrity/Environmental and social regulations imposed on companies can often be perceived as bureaucratic burdens that put them at a disadvantage compared to countries with less legislation, thus affecting their transparency and competitiveness. For this reason, many organizations end up doing the minimum that the law requires them to do. However, there are clear benefits for those that seek to build a reputation based on a culture of integrity.
8:37 amJuly 29, 2024Articles, UncategorizedApproval of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) by the European Parliament: A Decisive Step Towards Corporate Sustainabilitytitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/aprobacion-de-la-directiva-sobre-la-debida-diligencia-de-sostenibilidad-corporativa-csddd-por-el-parlamento-europeo-un-paso-decisivo-hacia-la-sostenibilidad-corporativa/The European Parliament has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), which will oblige companies to adopt rigorous transparency and sustainability practices from 2027. It will aim to improve corporate responsibility in the areas of human rights and the environment, while presenting new challenges and opportunities for companies in the name of a greener future.
7:03 amJune 4, 2024Articles, UncategorizedGreenwashing: A Threat Without Clear Boundariestitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/greenwashing-una-amenaza-sin-contornos-definidos/Greenwashing, or the action of exaggerating, falsifying, or disguising certain business prac-tices as environmental concerns, is being targeted by the European Union and even the in-ternational community. Faced with the reputational risk of greenwashing, investors and companies are increasingly cautious and even resort to contrary actions, not reporting their initiatives with a positive environmental impact for fear of being accused of misleading their consumers.
7:55 amApril 3, 2024Articles, UncategorizedNEW REPORT: Compliance and Sustainability Practice and Policies in Latin America – Case Studies of Brazil, Chile, and Mexicotitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/new-report-compliance-and-sustainability-practice-and-policies-in-latin-america-case-studies-of-brazil-chile-and-mexico/2:28 pmApril 24, 2023Articles, UncategorizedSOCIAL CONTRACT FOR SUSTAINABILITY: ACCELERATING BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY IN EUROPEtitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/social-contract-for-sustainability-accelerating-business-transformation-towards-sustainability-in-europe/The European Union is committed to building a sustainable reference model that involves companies; what aspects need to be strengthened to accelerate this objective? (ESP)
3:51 pmSeptember 23, 2021ArticlesWhen will it be mandatory to create a whistleblowing channel in Spanish companies?title en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/when-will-it-be-mandatory-to-create-a-whistleblowing-channel-in-spanish-companies/Will companies be obliged to set up a complaints channel if the Spanish State delays in transposing the Directive on whistleblowing?
9:44 amAugust 5, 2021ArticlesRiding the ESG wavetitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/riding-the-esg-wave/How Spanish and Italian firms with solid environmental, social and governance policies overcame the pandemic’s impact on the stock markets
12:09 pmJune 18, 2021ArticlesFive tips on managing coronavirus-associated risks for the compliance officertitle en indexhttps://www.ie.edu/ie-elecnor-hub-on-ethical-business/en/five-tips-on-managing-coronavirus-associated-risks-for-the-compliance-officer/Protecting employees and their families has always been an important compliance objective.
11:34 amMay 3, 2020Articlesrecientes