“The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom —these are the pillars of society.” (Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian playwright and poet)

Norway, which is ranked in the top 5 countries perceived as the least corrupt according to the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), adopted significant legislation in the field of Compliance and Human Rights (HR) in 2022. This regulation, which came into effect on July 1, 2022, is known as the Transparency Act or Forbrukertilsynet.
“The Act shall promote enterprises’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services and ensure the general public access to information”
The obligations of the Norwegian Transparency Act
Who does this Law apply to?
Those large companies residing in Norway and offering goods and services within or outside Norway.
A large company is defined as one in the accounting legislation or meeting two of the following three conditions:
➜ Sales exceeding 70 million Norwegian kroner (NOK), a little more than 6 million euros,
➜ A balance sheet totaling 35,000 NOK, a little more than 3 million euros, or
➜ An average of 50 employees in the year.
In the case of corporate groups, parent companies of subsidiaries residing in Norway will be considered large companies if the mentioned conditions are met for the entire group, even if the parent company is not resident in Norway.
Main obligations imposed on the obligated companies
➜ Integration of Responsible Business Principles into the company's policies.
➜ Identification and assessment of adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, including their supply chain.
➜ Establishment of measures to address adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
➜ Monitoring of measures and their implementation.
➜ Communication with stakeholders and rights holders.
➜ Willingness and cooperation regarding reparation.
➜ Public disclosure of obligation on the corporate website: Publication of an annual statement every June 30th; This annual statement must contain minimum information about the company's structure and general characteristics, risks and adverse impacts, as well as plans and measures to address them.
Fuente: Grupo Elecnor y Eversheds Sutherland Nicea, S.L.P