Compliance Matters #12 | Conversations with Adriana Hoyos, strategy consultant, advisor, professor of digital economy and Artificial Intelligence, and Harvard Senior Fellow | Podcast IE University & Elecnor

In this twelfth episode, we talk to Adriana Hoyos, strategy consultant, advisor, professor of digital economy and Artificial Intelligence and Harvard Fellow, to learn about the challenges companies face around sustainable growth, corporate governance, and technology integration.
Our Host Enrique Aznar, Academic Director of the IE-Elecnor Observatory on Sustainable Compliance, talks to Adriana Hoyos about his experience in strategy consulting and the field of digital economy and AI, to learn about his views on the role of business and technology for sustainable growth in the economy and society.
Adriana Hoyos assures us that “companies are the engine of society”, as they are synonymous with economy and progress. She also shares with us her vision of economic growth in Europe, emphasizing the need to generate policies that drive innovation, foreign investment, and business formation, which will result in the creation of real and valuable jobs.
The episode also discusses the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence in business. According to Adriana Hoyos, “technology is a transformative force, from scarcity to abundance, which generates more efficiency”. The expert recognizes that, in the face of the advance of AI and technology, we must take into account certain limits and risks, such as in the field of cybersecurity, but that, at the same time, it offers us a wide range of opportunities: “AI is at the service of humans and for that we must have a strong organizational culture where it is directed towards where we want to focus this technology”. Specifically, in the field of compliance, Adriana Hoyos affirms that Artificial Intelligence makes access to information and the efficiency of many processes much more accessible.
At the same time, the technology expert analyses the exponential growth of AI and the effect it will have on companies in the future. According to Adriana Hoyos, Artificial Intelligence will be applied in some way in all digital systems (e-mails, Office…), so she advises companies: “With all this free technology, create your own internal model, where you can generate a large language model of internal cooperation that is modernized, where processes are better and communication between people is cooler, and where sustainability becomes a transversal thing in the company”.
Finally, Adriana reflects on business ethics: “business ethics is in the ethics of people and, obviously, in regulation”, where, according to the expert, the country’s culture also plays a key role.
More information on our Observatory is available here.
*Compliance Matters: We care about sustainable future.*
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