Compliance Matters #8 | Conversations with Javier Camacho, researcher, professor and consultant in Business & AI Ethics | Podcast IE University & Elecnor

In this eight episode we talk to Javier Camacho expert in Business & AI Ethics about the role of artificial intelligence in the improvement of the ethical behavior of companies and the support it gives to Compliance Officers in achieving their mission.
Our Host Enrique Aznar, academic director of the IE-Elecnor Observatory on Sustainable Compliance Cultures, converses with Javier Camacho on the use that organizations are currently making of these artificial intelligence systems, which have begun to be applied massively in the strategy of companies.
The AI Ethics expert begins by explaining the three key elements of these applications, which together make it possible to improve the productivity of companies: data, algorithms and people.
The amount of data generated through business activity requires the incorporation of an AI system that has the capacity to process all this information. In turn, the algorithms present in these systems allow organizations to perform calculations that until years ago we could not carry out. Javier Camacho ends by placing the focus on people, since the objective of AI is nothing more than to be a tool to help workers, the target public and, ultimately, society. On this manner, AI is currently moving to functions that previously remained only in the capacity of a human being, such as recognizing objects, maintaining a dialogue, writing texts or performing translations, facilitating tasks that allow people to develop their full potential and companies to focus on their business idea.
Javier Camacho admits that AI, just as it helps to maximize productivity and enhance the different areas of the company, is also capable of being a great tool for the Compliance Officer. Both emphasize that AI will never be able to replace the figure of the Compliance Officer, but its advances have made it a fantastic tool for detecting risks and even providing recommendations.
To conclude, Enrique Aznar decides to delve into how the Compliance Officer can improve in terms of sustainability, from a technological approach. Javier Camacho affirms that a company will be sustainable as long as it knows how to do things right, i.e., it defines and pursues good practices. In turn, the Ethics & AI expert concludes the episode with a captivating reflection: “Although we always say that ethics is a gray issue, that there is no black and white, in the case of companies it is black and white. There are companies that see it and companies that do not. The companies that do not see it, will end up seeing it or will disappear, because it is the history we have (…). Companies that get it right will continue to survive for many years to come”, and AI will undoubtedly help all organizations to acquire this ethical, sustainable and compliance vision.
For more information about our observatory click here.
IE – Elecnor Observatory on Sustainable Compliance Cultures born at the end of 2019, IE Foundation and Elecnor Foundation agreed on the need to analyze the development and adoption of a culture of Sustainable Compliance in medium and small companies to understand in depth the reality of their challenges, study possible solutions and disseminate the knowledge generated.
*Compliance Matters: We care about sustainable future.*
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