The European Union is committed to building a sustainable reference model that involves companies; what aspects need to be strengthened to accelerate this objective? (ESP)
September 23, 2021
When will it be mandatory to create a whistleblowing channel in Spanish companies?
Will companies be obliged to set up a complaints channel if the Spanish State delays in transposing the Directive on whistleblowing?
August 5, 2021
How Spanish and Italian firms with solid environmental, social and governance policies overcame the pandemic’s impact on the stock markets
June 18, 2021
The Judge’s Reason and the Opinion of the Market
The judge can be sensitive to a perception of “greenwashing” and his reason would be even more demanding than the opinion of the market.
April 19, 2021
Five tips on managing coronavirus-associated risks for the compliance officer
Protecting employees and their families has always been an important compliance objective.
May 3, 2020
The role of business intelligence in monitoring compliance controls
Business intelligence can detect the environment and navigate the compliance landscape with minimal human involvement.
July 30, 2019
Quantification of integrity, legal and compliance risks
Speak the language of business with quantification of the risks of default.
March 18, 2019
10 tips to reduce the costs of internal controls
When was the last time you really thought about streamlining controls? Hernan Huwyler (MBA, CPA), academic director of the Higher Program in Compliance, explains it in this article.
December 3, 2018
Importance of a culture of sustainable compliance
The promotion of a sustainable compliance culture across the enterprise is a responsibility of the board of directors and the executive management team, specifically the chief compliance officer.
January 16, 2018
What does corporate compliance mean for companies?
What does global corporate compliance imply for organizations? What are the differences between corporate compliance and global corporate compliance?
April 21, 2017