People sitting in a dark room watching a panoramic display showing vibrant images of nature and cities.

Knowledge Generation & Dissemination

Advance the frontiers of knowledge through cutting-edge research

Our research centers, chairs and observatories are dedicated to addressing the challenges of a rapidly changing world. We pursue economic and societal development through multidisciplinary lines of research that provide evidence-based solutions to critical issues such across societal and business domains. IE Research explores the dynamic relationship between the humanities and sciences: it values not only technological advancement but also human values, ethics, and cultural nuances that shape our societies and should guide human progress.

Our Centers, Chairs, Observatories and Knowledge Hubs

From research on new technologies and gender equality, to initiatives in international finance, the centers, observatories and chairs supported by IE Foundation open the door to learning about the most relevant issues with the highest impact on today’s society.

A person is holding a tablet displaying a 3D architectural model, standing in an outdoor setting.

Guillermo and Michèle de la Dehesa Library

IE Foundation supports the Guillermo & Michèle de la Dehesa Library, which offers cutting-edge tools and services for digital learning. Open to the IE community and external researchers, the library provides personalized service both on-site and online, supplying the academic community with the most innovative resources and materials in research and education.

Thanks to a generous donation from Guillermo and Michèle de la Dehesa, the library has expanded its collection with 20,000 books across various disciplines. In honor of this contribution, the library is named after them. Guillermo de la Dehesa, a distinguished international figure in various sectors, has been a key supporter of IE University and the IE Foundation.

Latest Projects & Publications

Explore our latest projects and publications that contribute to shaping the future of business, policy, and society.

  • A close-up image of a water droplet creating ripples on a water surface, with text overlay about family office services.

    Single Family Offices for Families in Business: Challenges and Strategies for Wealth Creation

    IE Center for Families in Business and Fundación Abante.

    The study provides an analysis of the challenges and dilemmas faced by Single Family Offices (SFOs) in Spain.

  • Two young adults, one male and one female, are engaged in using a digital device, possibly for a social impact project.

    Technological Innovation and Social Impact Measurement: From Challenge to Opportunity

    Join4Impact Observatory.

    The report highlights how high costs, and limited resources represent significant barriers for many organizations, especially non-profit entities.

  • A graphic design featuring a red and white abstract image with text about engaging foreign lawyers for the Spanish legal sector by IE University.

    Engaging Foreign Lawyers: Considerations for the Spanish Legal Sector

    LawAhead Center on the Legal Profession.

    This paper explores the regulations governing the practice of foreign lawyers in Europe, with a specific focus on Spain.

  • An advertisement featuring a floating workspace with a computer displaying graphs, surrounded by green plants, highlighting challenges for managers in remote work scenarios.

    Navigating the New Normal: Telework and Challenges for Managers

    IE Foundation, DKV.

    This first report published by the DKV-IE Chair examines the impact that remote work has on the well-being of managers and the factors that trigger this impact.

  • A promotional image featuring a female golfer in action, overlaid with text about the economic impact of golf in Spain.

    II Study on the Economic Impact of Golf in Spain

    IE Foundation, Real Federación Española de Golf and Asociación Española de Campos de Golf.

    The study shows that the golf industry continues to generate a significant economic impact, not only through its direct contribution to GDP but also by attracting high-quality tourism.

  • A young woman smiling and looking at her smartphone in a cafe setting.

    The Finances of Digital Natives and Spanish Millennials

    Observatory of Household and SMEs Finances.

    The report explores the financial reality of digital natives and millennials, addressing the economic challenges both generations face upon entering the labor market.