After two years of being held virtually, the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management took place in Seattle during the first week of August 2022, in a hybrid mode. The theme of this edition was “Creating a better world together”, which was attended by around 800 members of the division who had an enriching experience during those days.

The event was attended by high-level professionals and universities specialized in multiple areas such as management, entrepreneurship, sustainability, leadership… Many of the speakers were professors from internationally renowned universities including IE University, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Bocconi, among others.

Rachida Justo, Director of the Chair and professor of entrepreneurship at IE University, co-organized the activities of the entrepreneurship division for this annual meeting.


The division welcomes researchers, professors, doctoral students, consultants, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who shares the mission of growing entrepreneurship. Members meet once a year at the Academy of Management’s national conference with a series of engaging pre-conference workshops, an extensive conference program focusing on the latest research on entrepreneurship, and a series of social activities aimed at encourage networking and exchange of ideas.


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