Knowledge Pills​

The impact minute

The Impact Minute is a series of dynamic conversations with renowned experts that delve into the challenges and opportunities of impact investing and social entrepreneurship. Through these dialogues, we combine practical experience with academic insights to highlight the strategic role of impact investors and identify key trends in the sector.​

Maximizing Impact in Impact Investing

Piet Colruyt - Impact Investor and Founder of Impact Housel

How can Impact be maximized within the Impact Investing community?

Equity vs. Debt in Impact Investing

Sol Park - Impact Investor and consutant, Principal at Hatch Blue​

What are the key advantages and drawbacks of equity impact investing compared to debt financing in driving social impact?


IOVC Framework

In their recent article, "How do impact in vestors leverage non-financial strategies to create value? An impact-oriented value framework", published in the Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Rachida Justo and Pola Nachyła introduce the Impact-Oriented Value Framework (IOVC). This practical tool helps impact funds maximize their positive contributions through strategies beyond capital investment.​

The IOVC framework provides actionable methods to integrate impact into non-financial support, strengthening portfolio companies and the broader ecosystem. By prioritizing impact, funds can balance financial returns with sustainable social and environmental goals.

Symposium “Destination Impact: From Inspiration to Implementation”

October 2024

The symposium, supported by Meta, came at a pivotal moment for impact investing. While this field is rapidly expanding, it faces complex challenges that demand innovative and well-thought-out solutions. It convened top professionals and academics from the impact investing ecosystem to collectively address the sector’s key challenges.