Digital Security, Not Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is now a central issue for all organizations. As such, it requires strategic planning and a single agenda that comes from the top. However, it makes sense to shift our understanding towards the concept of “digital security.” In today’s hyperconnected context, risk management depends not only on the technical skills of engineers, but on a series of additional competencies ranging from stress resistance to efficient crisis management.

Se trata de seguridad digital

The current context of constant change and evolution has had a notable effect on what we call cybersecurity. Indeed, cybersecurity has become yet another element that business managers must take into account in their decision-making. This issue requires a specific agenda subjected to constant supervision, as well as a fully defined strategy shared by all of the organization’s top brass. Companies lacking a clear approach to cybersecurity are at a considerable disadvantage and less likely to survive in today’s highly competitive world.

What are the consequences of neglecting cybersecurity? Just think of the effects that a cyberattack would unleash on any digital area of an organization. If the attack were to damage the company’s reputation, its share price would take a hit. Revenue would fall, sending the company into a tailspin. The best solution is to stop this cycle before it begins. Executive directors need to understand that they are even more invested in this strategic area than the technical professionals in the cybersecurity department. Many organizations are learning this lesson the hard way: Equifax, Turner, and Sony are among the firms where top executives have lost their jobs in the wake of a cybersecurity attack.

The term cybersecurity is bit of a misnomer; in reality, this issue has more to do with digital security in the broadest sense of the term. Every organization needs a strategic vision, not just a technical approach. Management, policies, investment, and innovation have a direct impact on all departments. Today’s ecosystem is one of digital transformation. In these hybrid environments, the borders between the physical world and cyberspace have become blurred. Technology has torn down what were once robust walls.

Cybersecurity requires a specific agenda subjected to constant supervision, as well as a fully defined strategy shared by all of the organization’s top brass.

A profession with a very bright future

Studies have estimated that about 200,000 cybersecurity jobs are currently available in Europe. Zooming out to the global level, the number of cybersecurity job openings may be as many as 4 million. The scarcity of candidates to fill these jobs augurs a highly promising future for anyone trained in this field. However, the profile required is not merely technical. Skills typical of consultants, analysts, and managers are also required, so opportunities extend to these professionals, as well. Digital transformation without adequate risk management leads to a digital jungle. This challenge requires a multifaceted skill set comprising everything from legislative changes to the implementation of cloud architectures.

Professionals working in digital security must encompass multiple profiles. Given the challenges associated with finding the optimal profile, organizations must adapt their selection processes. Indeed, classical frameworks make little sense in today’s context. Discretion, resistance to stress, immediate availability, trust, sangfroid, crisis management, and commitment are essential characteristics for anyone who aspires to work in this field. These are the capacities that companies must look for. Candidates are obviously in short supply, so human resources professionals and headhunters must expand their search—as difficult as this may seem.

Current technological developments provide clues about what organizations are looking for (even if they don’t always find it). Cyberwarfare, hyperconnectivity, and the proliferation of devices such as drones reveal an environment where the risks have multiplied. Robotics and self-driving cars are also making great headway. The digital transformation is real and the race is well underway. Meanwhile, the management of the risks associated with all this technology is still in its infancy. The data suggest that cybersecurity—or better yet, digital security—will be a crucial profession in every organization. It’s not too late to change course, face this issue head on, and give it the importance it deserves.


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