Enrique Sueiro

Director of the Corporate Communication and Management Program at IE Business School and Author of ‘Comunicar o no ser’

General director TopTen Management Spain, Speaker, Trainer.

Enrique Sueiro

Enrique Sueiro (Pamplona, Spain, 1968), PhD, is Adjunct Professor of the Communication and Management Program at IE Business School. He received the 2019 Executive Group Lecturer Award as well as the 2013 Speaker Award by Manager Fórum. Enrique Sueiro is a frequent contributor with articles about communication published in El País and other Spanish newspapers. He created the new concept “Communicagement”, a kind of practical merger between Communication and Management in organizations. He is the author of several books, including ¨Brújula directiva¨(Eunsa, 2020), ¨ Saber comunicar saber¨(ACCI, 2016) y ¨Comunicar o no ser¨ (Rasche, 2014), just to name a few. In academia Enrique Sueiro is invited to give speeches and sessions in different fields and institutions, like Universidad Complutense (Madrid), Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona) and some Latin American institutions in different countries, among others. At Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona) he was in charge of training professors and researchers in communication.

Author's Insights

Diriges si comunicas

Manage by Communicating