Izaskun Chinchilla

Professor in the Bachelor in Architectural Studies at IE University and in the Master in Architectural Management and Design at IE School of Architecture and Design

Founder and Architect at Izaskun Chinchilla Architects

Izaskun Chinchilla

Izaskun Chinchilla has taught and done research at IE School of Architecture and Design, Polytechnic University of Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM), École Spécial D’Architecture in Paris, CEU San Pablo University in Madrid, Hâute École d’Art et de Design (HEAD) in Geneva and Alicante University, and she is Senior Teaching Fellow, Senior Research Associate and Public Engagement Fellow at Barlett School of Architecture (UCL London). Her work has been extensively published and she has exhibited in a variety of galleries and institutions, including the Venice Biennale, in 2002 and 2006.Chinchilla received her architecture degree, magna cum laude, in 2001, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, School of Architecture. She is currently completing her doctoral thesis titled, “Sustainability and Architecture: Revolution, Crisis or Orthodoxy?” Her work in this area has resulted in visiting positions at Columbia University, Bruno Latour Sociology Laboratory at the École de Mines in Paris and Princeton University USA. In 2012 she was awarded with a Public Engagement fellowship from UCL.

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