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The Future of Advertising
Purpose-driven marketing and customer-centricity will drive the brands of the future.
There are many ongoing discussions about the future of advertising and communication, as understood in its broadest sense. What image do brands and their products project abroad, and how do they reach and communicate with their target audiences?
The word “advertising” derives from “advertere,” the Latin word for “to turn the attention.” These days, however, the fragmentation of audiences, constant distraction, the emergence of connected devices, and technology in general, has radically changed the way we communicate with one another and the world at large. So, how do you capture the attention (the right one) in today’s world? Which trends will change the shape of communications?
All experts agree that artificial intelligence will play a much larger role in the coming years (or months!). Machine learning will bring efficiency to brand communication and performance through the management of data in a way that will allow greater personalization – and this personalization is key for brands if they are to be relevant to consumers. Plain and simple, nobody wants to be bombarded by advertising.
Yet, all legitimate concerns about privacy aside, we all want to feel like we are the most important person for a particular brand or product. (Funny enough, this is much the way traditional business used to operate, really getting to know their clients and treating them in a way that made them feel special.)
Today, brands must be socially relevant and value aligned, and their messages and products must reflect this in an authentic way. This means no more social or greenwashing, no more vague promises or “Peace and love” phrases. It’s essential that companies and their brands walk the talk of their advertising, and this will only become more fundamental as we move into the future.
This is because each new generation is increasingly more demanding in regard to a brand’s authenticity and coherence in their communications, commercial or not. Purpose-driven marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for brands, and just as ESG objectives are now part of growth and investment for companies, their messages must reflect in a measurable way how they are creating a better world.
Yes, technology has become an essential asset for brands (if they make good use of it), but the truth is that – even in tomorrow’s world of AI and augmented reality – content will always be key. To attract, engage, and retain customers, AI is not enough. Perhaps even more so in our technologically dependent future, brands must continue to find new ways to provide consistent, valuable, relevant content (i.e., not just messaging) and make it really “edible” and personalized for consumers. Because what won’t change in the future is the very human desire to feel special.
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