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IE insights - IDEAS TO SHAPE THE FUTURE - Society

The Future of Health, Well-being and Human Potential
Taking responsibility for the future of health and well-being is imperative in ensuring a fairer and happier society.
Everything is changing. The pandemic has led to a boom in the use of technology. It has also profoundly changed the way we study, the way we work, the way we do business, the way we shop, and also, of course, the way we relate to one another. Social networks have gained a level of influence, for better or for worse, that never ceases to amaze us. In addition, there is growing concern about how society is becoming increasingly polarized, and how the middle class in many countries is gradually disappearing. Migration and climate change are high on the agenda and the word “sustainable” – with all that it implies – is gaining traction in our businesses, our cities, and in the world at large. The current geopolitical tensions worry us all, because we cannot see a way out of the conflicts that cause so much suffering. So, the question is: What can we do to shape the future?
We must find a way to look ahead with serenity, hope, and optimism. It is easy to play the victim who does nothing but complain or ends up feeling overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the issues. Today, we must tap into three of our natural capacities: creativity, entrepreneurship, and teamwork. Human beings are social creatures, and therefore, the solution to the major challenges ahead is not in the “you” or the “I”, but in the “we”, in collaborative intelligence. You might be wondering what this has to do with the future of health, well-being, and human potential? I would say everything, and I would like to explain why.
Everything in human nature is connected and so, in our body, mind, and spirit, we will find a way to unlock our true potential. Companies today are surprised and bewildered by the alarmingly high levels of burnout among workers, regardless of their status. The increase of anxiety and depression in society is daunting, and the degree of uncertainty experienced by younger people is creating major distress. Many of them are perhaps wondering where their lives are going, whether they should be focused on earning money, or on being happy.
The future of health, well-being, and human potential will be what we want it to be. And this decision will affect every single part of our lives. Universities, companies, and societies must either revolve around people, their health and well-being, or they will not generate that explosion of potential that needs to emerge for our desired and extraordinary outcomes. These results cannot be achieved if we see people as vehicles for profit rather than as human beings who want to give their all. The best is not what they have, but who they are. So, if we do not all take a more active role, and work together to improve our health, our well-being, and live up to our full potential, we will not be able to tackle the challenges of the future.
This is why we need to take responsibility, today. We need to take care of our bodies by being mindful of what we eat, of the exercise we do, and the hours we rest. We need to focus our minds and concentrate on the here and now, and we need to embrace compassion and forgiveness. Basically, we need to take responsibility for our well-being because our tomorrow depends on it.
Albert Einstein said: “The real problem is in the hearts of men” not in the atomic bomb. If we are well, the world will be well. Einstein himself reminded us that the separation between the inner and the outer world was merely an optical delusion of our consciousness. So, let us all learn to look after ourselves and look after others. If we take this seriously, our future will be much healthier, more harmonious, more balanced, and with a fairer and happier society.
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