Carlota Sánchez-Pego | IE Law School

Carlota Sánchez-Pego

About me

I always knew I wanted to study law. I graduated from the University of Navarra five years ago with a degree in economic law. While studying for my bachelor’s, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to work at a law firm or in a corporate legal department. But the one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to specialize in white-collar crime. I chose to study the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (LL.M.) program at IE in order to achieve my goal, which is exactly what I did. Now, three years after graduating, I’m working in the white-collar department of a major listed company.

shapeCarlota Sánchez-Pego
case2Master's Student
studentDoble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (LL.M.)
Carlota Sánchez-Pego | IE Law School

"I walked into IE as one person and left as a better version of myself—stronger, more perceptive and more resilient. This “before and after” marks a turning point, which, without a doubt, changes your life for the better."

Carlota Sánchez-Pego

Why did you decide to study the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas at IE?

When you finish your undergraduate degree, a whole world of infinite possibilities opens up and it can leave you feeling quite lost and wondering, “What’s best for me?” and “What do I really want?” In all this uncertainty, I remembered the IE representatives that had visited Pamplona to explain what their master’s programs were all about. One of them said, “IE brings out the best in you.” And I knew it was the place for me. 

What did you like most about IE and what do you value most from your time there?

It’s impossible to pick out just one thing, but if I had to sum up what I most value about IE—aside from the professionalism and rigor with which things are done—it would be the fact that they instil a desire to improve in every student. That’s not only because of the demanding assessment system, but also because IE strives to encourage its students to think outside the box and to always aspire to excellence.

What was your relationship with the professors like?

The professors want you to go far and that’s clear from day one. I’ve kept in touch with a lot of them since graduating. In fact, if I’m unsure about something at work, I don’t hesitate to get in touch with someone from the university who’s an expert in that particular field. It’s always nice to touch base with your professors so that they can see how you’re getting on. I’m incredibly grateful to all of them.

What do you think of IE’s practical methodology and use of teamwork?

It’s an extremely demanding methodology that rewards the hard-working and punishes those who don’t make enough of an effort. However, the fact that assessments are graded on a bell curve makes it competitive and, at times, frustrating. That said, you’re constantly learning and at breakneck speed. The entirely practical nature of the master’s program is, without a doubt, what sets it apart.

Does the program adapt to meet students’ needs? How did you find the elective courses—did they open your mind up to new possibilities?

Absolutely. Students spend the last few months of the program studying electives. There are so many to choose from and people tailor their selection to suit their particular needs. The chance to study such a diverse range of subjects in two months— ranging from cinematography to private equity—gives you an important and enriching 360-degree vision of the legal world.

What is the workload like during the master’s?

The work is steady and extremely demanding. You can’t let your guard down, but it brings together all the perfect elements. Even though it’s hard work, it’s extremely rewarding.

Can you share your greatest moment at IE with us?

I think the greatest moment is graduation. Having all those months of effort rewarded is a really fulfilling experience. Not to mention sharing that special day with all your friends with whom you’ve made lifelong memories.

How did your time at IE help you adapt to the working world?

In every way. Technically—by equipping me with the necessary tools with which to resolve complex legal issues—and in terms of appreciating the practical day-to-day workings of an office or company. At the end of the day, the master’s program is a prelude to real life and the skills you learn are completely applicable to the world of work. What’s more, the program undoubtedly serves as a springboard for reaching places that would ordinarily seem out of your reach.

IE helps you to go one step further and, most importantly, it teaches you how to think. It frames your thinking, sparking a curiosity and desire to delve beneath the surface and always learn more. Thanks to all these elements, you’re more than ready for what life throws at you when you graduate.

How would you summarize your time at IE?

Studying at IE is being the protagonist in a great adventure. You expand your knowledge and become a true professional—but the experience is full of heart. It’s one of the most enriching experiences of your life. Three years after graduating, it’s hard to explain the feeling you get when you meet someone who’s studied the same program as you. You get that ineffable feeling and you think, “We’ve been through the same thing.” And perhaps not many people understand why all those hours of work are necessary or why always giving your best proves to be so stressful. I’m sure most people can’t wrap their heads around how lifelong friendships can be forged after just a year of studying, but there’s a special bond between people who’ve studied at IE that stays with you forever. Only those of us who have been lucky enough to experience it truly understand.

It’s a transformative experience for everyone. I walked into IE as one person and left as a better version of myself—stronger, more perceptive and more resilient. This “before and after” marks a turning point, which, without a doubt, changes your life for the better.

What happens after the master’s?

When the program finishes, everyone starts their professional career at leading firms or recognized companies. I interned in a law office before spending a year and a half at another firm, and I’ve just recently started working in a corporate legal department. I always keep my ambition front and center and that’s to be a top white-collar lawyer.

There are two things that stay with you after IE: knowledge and friendships.

Now is the moment when the success of your career depends solely on you. On the plus side, you know you’re well prepared: you’ve got sound knowledge, the support of your teachers and your friends close by. You’ll be catching up with them over a beer to reminisce about your time at IE for the rest of your lives.