Javier Bustillo | IE Law School

Javier Bustillo

About me

Javier Bustillo is the M&A and venture capital partner at Andersen. Previously, he worked at ECIJA, where he and his team were integrated from his previous position as managing partner at Bustillo Abogados. Before joining the family business, Javier developed his professional career at multinationals like Coca-Cola Spain and Xerox Europe, where he had the opportunity to acquire the business knowledge necessary to succeed as a lawyer in the corporate sector. Throughout his career, Javier has gained extensive experience and sophisticated technical expertise by advising national and international companies, investors, founders, entrepreneurs, business angels and venture capital firms on their projects in Spain. His work has earned him the Client Choice Award (in the 2018 and 2019 editions) and the Iberian Lawyer Forty under 40 Award, which recognizes the best lawyers under 40 years old, distinguishing him as one of the country’s top lawyers in the area of commercial law. Javier also actively participates in the IE community, and is a founder and director of the IE Alumni Law Club.

shapeJavier Bustillo
case2Master's Student
studentMáster en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas Part-time
Javier Bustillo | IE Law School

"In the master’s program, I learned that good training is essential to become a first-class professional, and discovered the importance of complementing my legal knowledge with other subjects in order to effectively manage my firm."

Javier Bustillo

Why did you decide to do the part-time Máster en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas at IE?

It’s crucial that professionals in today’s changing legal landscape never stop learning. They must constantly update and reevaluate their knowledge. After several years of practicing in the business world, I was looking to reformulate my legal knowledge from a practical perspective, at a prestigious school with an international environment. That’s exactly what the Máster en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas offers. I chose the part-time option because I had to juggle the program with my work at Bustillo Abogados. 

What has been the most important project of your career?

 The most important project of my career is the one that I’m currently working on, which consists of leading and managing the team at Bustillo Abogados, with all the challenges it entails. The firm is at a crucial point in its development; we are witnessing a generational shift and the beginning of a new era, in which we will try to continue growing as a business.

What stands out from your experience (both professionally and personally) at IE Law School? Are there any stories you’d like to share?

One of the most salient aspects of IE Law School is its human dimension, and the incredibly high-level professionals who make up the school. Additionally, the program’s practical focus allowed me to acquire the tools I needed in order to take on and analyze the complex cases that I’ve encountered.

IE’s Máster en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas has played a crucial role in my career, on both an educational and a personal level. Here, I’ve had the opportunity to learn alongside great legal professionals and to form connections with the school, my peers in the program and the whole IE community, thanks to the Alumni Club. What’s more, my time at the school has allowed me to create the IE Alumni Law Club and to become a professor for IE Law School’s Startup Lawyers program.

What was the most valuable lesson you learned in the master’s program that you apply to your professional life today?

In the master’s program, I learned that good training is essential to become a first-class professional, and discovered the importance of complementing my legal knowledge with other subjects in order to effectively manage my firm. The program also boosted my enthusiasm for legal practice, and helped me figure out what kind of lawyer I wanted to become.

What skills and knowledge did you acquire through the master’s program?

In addition to expanding my knowledge of the different areas of law, the master allowed me to develop a series of soft skills—such as managerial abilities, financial knowledge and client management strategies—that have turned out to be just as important as technical expertise. Moreover, the program provided me with a comprehensive perspective of law and a set of tools that have helped me to successfully handle complex legal issues and improve my practice of law.

What opportunities arose during your time at IE Law School, and what do you currently do?

The master allowed me to meet some very interesting professionals, with whom I now collaborate, and to pursue projects outside the office. I’m currently the managing partner of Bustillo Abogados.

How did the program contribute to your professional journey?

The program gave me the opportunity to meet many professionals who have become my colleagues, project partners and even clients, in some cases. It also helped me find new lawyers for my firm.