José María Puerto | IE Law School

José María Puerto

About me

My name is José María Puerto and I was born in Badajoz, though my roots are Andalusian. I studied law at the University of Cádiz while working two jobs, and now I’m studying the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (LL.M.) at IE University. I consider myself a curious and creative person who likes to meet new people.

I would love to develop my professional career in an international law firm. Luckily, I’m interested in many disciplines of law, especially corporate, real estate and private equity.

shapeJosé María Puerto
case2Master’s student
studentDoble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas
José María Puerto | IE Law School

"If you’re the type of person who’s willing to choose the more difficult path, to take risks and not give up until you reach your goals, IE Law School is the place for you."

José María Puerto

What was your professional career like before the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (LL.M.) at IE University? Tell us a little about your academic and professional background.

While studying law at the University of Cádiz, I decided to take on two part-time jobs. In the morning, I worked in my family’s winery doing admin. In the afternoon, I worked as a salesperson and marketing specialist for a well-known brand of energy drinks. Although this experience was very demanding, it helped me hone many of my skills and make the most of every minute of my time.

Why did you choose IE University for your master’s?

I have three main reasons: the international recognition and prestige that IE University enjoys; the quality of its professors, who are leaders in their sector; and its very practical methodology, which prepares us for the daily life of the profession.

What’s your favorite part of the program?

Its working methodology, which is based on the case method. The master’s degree is not simply an extension of university; it tries to bring us as close as possible to the real day-to-day life of a lawyer. That means dealing with the resolution of countless cases and enduring heavy workloads and stress. This allows us to get used to what our professional career will likely be like in a few months. 

Tell us something that surprised you about IE University and the program you’re currently studying.

I knew that IE’s training was exceptional and comprehensive, but I didn’t know the extent of it! They don’t just train us on a technical level, but they also foster the development of our soft skills through loads of different workshops. I would also point out that IE University is ideal for enthusiastic and curious students, as there are constantly events, talks and trainings that we can attend.

Where would you like to work after completing the master’s degree? How is IE University helping you achieve that goal?

I’d like to work in the world of corporate law in a big international firm, and perhaps even create my own company one day. I believe that IE Law School provides us with the tools we need to become the best version of ourselves and get where we want to be, though the effort and hard work depends on us.

Tell us something you’ve recently learned at IE University that others should know and that you’ll take with you after the master’s degree.

My takeaway from this experience is the importance of working as a team. During the program, we’re constantly working in groups, and I think this is the best way to learn and overcome the obstacles we face. In a group, your shortcomings may be someone else’s strengths, and vice versa. There’s a phrase that says: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,” and I couldn’t agree more.

What advice would you give someone who’s considering pursuing this program?

I’d say that if you’re looking for a challenging experience where you’ll grow both professionally and personally, where the professors are the best and the brightest of the sector, and which will enable you to achieve your dreams, then IE Law School is for you. The journey won’t be easy, but I can assure you that it’ll be worth it.

Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

In 10 years, I’d like to see myself as a partner in a big firm, leading teams and generating business for the firm. However, I’m not ruling out the idea of starting my own business in the future.

How would you sum up your experience at IE University?

I’d say that my experience at IE University far exceeds everything I could’ve expected from the program. I’ve learned the value of effort, hard work, perseverance and teamwork. This experience is giving me a holistic view of the market. If you’re the type of person who’s willing to choose the more difficult path, to take risks and not give up until you reach your goals, IE Law School is the place for you.