Layla Mouakket

Layla Mouakket

About me

I’m from Syria and have lived in Lebanon for most of my life. I would describe myself as passionate and resilient. That’s why I decided to move away from home at a young age and pursue law to potentially help people less fortunate than I am.

shapeLayla Mouakket
case2Master’s student
mapPointSyria / Lebanon
studentMaster of Laws (LL.M.) - International Dispute Resolution
Layla Mouakket

"It gave me a really good insight into what it’s like to pursue a career in arbitration and dispute resolution."

Layla Mouakket

A passion for law and helping people

Although Layla Mouakket knew she wanted to pursue a career in law, she says she never really knew what her career could look like until she arrived at IE University. She’d previously studied in England and gained experience working in British law firms during her undergraduate studies, but realized she wanted a change of pace and a new environment—a decision that brought her to IE Law School.

Layla Mouakket

Layla was impressed not only by IE University’s reputation, but also its diverse student body. In addition, she felt that moving to Spain would enable her to broaden her skills by learning a new language. Another advantage was, she says, the range of services offered to students, in particular the opportunity to take part in the Legal Immersion Experience, which she describes as “wonderful.” 

Layla participated in the trip to Paris, as part of the International Dispute Resolution specialization of the Master of Laws (LL.M.). “It gave me a really good insight into what it’s like to pursue a career in arbitration and dispute resolution,” she says. Although she was attracted to the field of dispute resolution—”I’ve always been good at helping people,” she explains— her previous experience had been limited to a three-week internship. 

In addition, the immersion experience changed Layla’s perspective on her future career. She was able to get a clearer picture of the scope of the field she’s chosen to pursue and how many organizations she could potentially work with. She was especially impressed by her visit to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). “There are so many rules and procedures, and so much thought has gone into building an institution such as the ICC, and it’s truly amazing,” she states.

Layla also gained behind-the-scenes insights into aspects of law that had not formed part of her previous studies. The immersion experience showed her, she says, how much commercial and business dealings come into play in all areas of law, including her chosen area of dispute resolution: she now sees more clearly that it’s not simply a matter of balancing a contract and “trying to settle things between people.”

During her time at IE University so far, Layla has been impressed by the cooperative spirit on display: she notes that everybody is always willing to help if you have a question, and the professors are “amazing.” She also praises the networking opportunities offered, noting that these extend to networking with fellow students, not just those from other IE Law School programs, but also from other schools, including those on MBA programs. “It’s great: it’s a community, a family,” she says.

Layla summarizes her experience of the Master of Laws (LL.M.) as “amazing.” “It’s been absolutely wonderful. I’ve had the time of my life,” she adds. Her advice to prospective students? “It’s a lot of work, so be prepared for that. But also everyone is very helpful. So do it!”