Lucía Ramos Pérez | IE Law School

Lucía Ramos Pérez

About me

My name is Lucía Ramos Pérez and I’m from Santander, although I lived in Bilbao for five years while I completed my undergraduate degree. I consider myself an outgoing and curious person, who loves to learn new things and spend time with friends.

I’m also passionate about the legal world, especially civil law. My future aspiration is to work in the litigation department of a law firm.

shapeLucía Ramos Pérez
case2Master’s student
studentDoble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas
Lucía Ramos Pérez | IE Law School

"IE Talent & Careers is very attentive to our job application processes. They offer us resources like interview preparation workshops and individualized follow-up for each student."

Lucía Ramos Pérez

What were you doing before you started the Doble Máster en Abogacía at IE University? Tell us a bit about your academic and professional background.

I completed the Double Degree in Law + Labor Relations at the University of Deusto in Bilbao. In the first year of my degree, some peers and I launched the local Bilbao unit of the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA). I was a member of the board of directors during the five years I was at university there. During that period, we managed to build up our membership base to make it the largest local ELSA group in the country. My involvement in the organization and other similar programs taught me a lot, allowing me to travel and meet incredible people. It was one of the highlights of my undergraduate era, which concluded in the best possible way when I received the Undergraduate Academic Excellence Award.

Why did you choose IE University for your master’s?

During my undergraduate studies, I participated in the IE Legal Challenge three times, which is organized by IE Law School every year. I was lucky enough to win the regional round all three times and, thanks to that, I was able to attend the final round in Madrid. That’s what sparked my decision to pursue the Doble Máster de Abogacía at IE University. My experience had given me a closer look at the institution’s facilities, as well as working with the famous case-based methodology and attending classes taught by outstanding professionals in the sector. When the time came to decide, my mind was made up. 

What’s your favorite part of the program?

I would highlight the quality of the faculty, the highly practical approach to learning, and the positive atmosphere among my peers in the classroom.

Tell us something that surprised you about IE University and the program you’re currently studying.

The heavy weighting that class participation has as a component of the final grade. In almost all universities, this factor accounts for between five and ten percent. At IE University, however, class participation makes up almost half of the grade. This puts all students in a position where they need to convey their point of view, making for a lot of interesting debates in class. Plus, now that we know our classmates better, the classes are even more fun and very enjoyable.

Where would you like to work after completing your master’s? How is IE University helping you achieve that goal?

I would love to work in the litigation department of a law firm here in Madrid. IE Talent & Careers is very attentive to our job application processes. They offer us resources like interview preparation workshops and individualized follow-up for each student.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering studying this program?

I would tell them it’s a no-brainer. Prospective students will be hard-pressed to find another institution where they’ll work as hard while having as good a time.

How would you sum up your experience at IE University?

My experience at IE University continues to be very rewarding. On a personal level, I’ve been able to meet amazing people and create very strong bonds with them, as our program has us spending a lot of time together. On an academic level, with a few practical cases under my belt I would say that I feel much better prepared to step into the world of work.