Mariachiara Zanazzi | IE Law School

Mariachiara Zanazzi

About me

My name is Mariachiara Zanazzi, I’m 24 years old and I was born in Italy. After finishing high school, I decided to move to London to study law at Queen Mary University, where I graduated in 2016. The following year, I started my LL.M. at IE Law School.

After graduating from my LL.M. in International Business Law, I returned to Italy where I’m currently working in the financial sector as a transfer pricing consultant at PwC Tax and Legal Services Italy, at their Milan office.

Personally, I define myself as a dynamic, culturally sensitive and a reliable person.

shapeMariachiara Zanazzi
case2Master's Student
studentLL.M. in International Business Law
Mariachiara Zanazzi | IE Law School

"The chance to study law but combine it with business classes was definitely something that proved to be a winning choice."

Mariachiara Zanazzi

Why did you decide to study the LL.M. in International Business Law at IE Law School?

After finishing my Bachelor of Laws in London, I realized I needed something that could both expand upon the knowledge I had already acquired as well as something which could help me stand out among my fellow law graduates. Having always been fascinated by the relationship between law and business—which are becoming more and more intertwined by the day—the LL.M. in International Business Law at IE Law School was exactly what I needed. The program offered a strong, business-focused curriculum, taught by both academics and experienced professionals. I knew it would give me the proper preparation to embrace my future career. 

What is the best thing you take from IE Law School?

IE Law School has gifted me with many unforgettable memories and I must admit, it is very hard to pick just one. Besides the numerous and diverse lessons it has taught me, my experience definitely showed me how to be open minded, as I had the chance to be in the same course with people from all over the world. My peers and I all had the opportunity to work on many group projects in which we shared different ideas and learned how to see things from a different perspective—this is definitely something that has helped me become not only a better professional, but also a better person.

I have to admit, the long-lasting friendships I made throughout my year at IE Law School were probably the best part of my experience. The way the program is structured is definitely aimed at fostering these relationships. The group projects help you make friends with your classmates very quickly and easily, and that is something that has also helped me in my professional life.

The LL.M. in International Business Law prepares you for real-life work experiences, as teamwork is nowadays an essential requirement.

How did the LL.M. in International Business Law help you in your professional life?

The LL.M. in International Business Law definitely proved to be a differentiating factor when it came to job-hunting after graduation. In a world where it seems to be progressively harder to “stand out among the crowd,” recruiters seemed to appreciate an internationally recognized university such as IE Law School, as well as the LL.M. in International Business Law program itself, as it focuses on many diverse issues. Therefore, it gives students a wide range of knowledge that professionals in the legal field need on a daily basis. The chance to study law but combine it with business classes was definitely something that proved to be a winning choice.

Can you tell us a little bit about your current work and how do the lessons you obtained at the master help you in your day to day life?

I currently work as a transfer pricing consultant in the financial sector in the tax and legal department at PwC Italy. Having the opportunity to take two modules in international taxation during my LL.M. in International Business Law —under the guidance of top-notch professionals—definitely helped me land the job. Plus, being able to take a transfer pricing course, which is not something many universities offer, as it’s a field that has been growing and developing significantly in the past few years, helps me every day in terms of my professional life. All the knowledge and advice I received from my professors at IE will stay with me throughout my career.

What advice would you give to future students?

Enjoy your time at IE Law School as it will be one of the best times of your life, that is for sure! Focus on the program, on the classes and take every piece of advice you can from the professors and the staff—they’re highly skilled and always there to help and support you. Try and take part in the many initiatives that IE Law School has to offer you. And work hard and be ready to face many challenging experiences, as they will enhance your professional career, as well as personal life.