Nuria Barreiro | IE Law School

Nuria Barreiro

About me

Nuria Barreiro obtained her master’s degree, and is now taking her first steps in the employment market. She has always had a passion for the law. After graduating from her undergraduate degree, this program seemed like the best option to complete her training in the field of law. In Nuria’s opinion, the master program at IE offers a practical and multidisciplinary focus which is hard to find in other study programs. The master also unites her two favorite disciplines: trade law and fiscal law. During her experience at IE, she has participated in unique initiatives like the Legal Clinic, with which she has been able to offer consulting services to various NGOs and other associations. Nuria has decided to start her professional career in a law firm, but she is still considering a future in teaching so she can share her knowledge and experience.

shapeNuria Barreiro
case2Master’s student
studentDoble Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía y Asesoría Fiscal de Empresas
Nuria Barreiro | IE Law School

"We have learned that, by working as a team and with hard work, we can reach our goals and achieve great results."

Nuria Barreiro

Why did you decide to study Law and do your Master de Acceso a la Abogacía at IE?

Since I was little I wanted to be a lawyer, so I decided to study law, administration and business management for my undergraduate degree, with the idea of refocusing my career towards independent corporate legal consultancy.

After graduating, I opted for taking this master as I wanted to receive a multidisciplinary education that went beyond the law. IE’s master touches on fields like business through an MBA module. In addition, the program’s methodology and its values allow students to acquire a mix of practical tools and abilities that aren’t taught in theoretical classes, like the capacity to deal with and resolve real-life cases.

What fields in law interest you and why? 

While I was studying law, administration and business management for my undergraduate degree, I discovered that the areas of law I enjoyed most were trade law and tax law, areas that serve as a nexus uniting both of these disciplines. This was why I chose to do the Double Master and the specialization in tax advisory.

What would you highlight about your experience, both professionally and personally, at IE Law School? Any stories you’d like to share? 

In the professional realm, I believe IE has given us a more practical outlook of law, as well as teaching us to deal with complicated situations, which will without a doubt make our future working lives far easier.

But my experience isn’t based purely on our studies. IE gives a lot of importance to socializing, since it allows students to extend their professional network. Students can attend different events that are organized within each faculty, or participate in clubs to meet students from other schools who may share our interests and hobbies.

Participating in the IE Legal Clinic was, without a doubt, one of my favorite experiences at IE. With this initiative, organized in collaboration with IE University, I had the opportunity to advize associations and NGOs in conflict resolution, and I worked closely with offices and high-level professionals. 

Do you think IE grants a more global and comparative vision of law? 

Definitely. If there’s anything that defines IE, it’s its international focus. Although law can seem like a discipline with national reach, at IE you realize that there are fields with a global reach. Also, IE offers programs abroad where you can gain international experience, which helps students that want to develop their professional careers around the world.

Have you had any experience abroad? What did you learn from the experience, the culture and the way in which law is viewed outside of Spain?

I spent the fourth year of my studies in Strasbourg, France. The experience allowed me to have first-hand contact with French tax, but the area where I learned the most was international law. During my year abroad, not only did I have the opportunity to go to class in the Sciences Po classrooms, but I also got to visit some of the European institutions and see first hand how the European Union functions.

What are your hobbies or interests? What do you like doing in your free time?

I’ve been a big fan of flamenco dancing since I was a kid. I started dancing when I was 7 years’ old and I try to practice whenever I get a chance. Other hobbies I have are horseback riding and playing sports. I also like reading, watching films and traveling.

What was the most valuable lesson you learned in the master and which do you apply to your professional life today? 

The master taught us, amongst many other things, to manage and organize large quantities of work when time is running short. We’ve also learned that, by working as a team and with hard work, we can reach our goals and achieve great results. These skills and tools are extremely valuable and will help us to face the challenges that get thrown our way on a daily basis in our future career, whatever the environment may be.

On a professional level, where do you see yourself in five years?

I’ve decided to start my professional career in a law firm and, five years from now, I would like to continue to grow as a lawyer and exercise the field of law that I most enjoy, tax law. I would also like to devote part of my professional life to teaching.

Have you used any of the IE Talent & Careers department’s services or resources (Advising Sessions, Company Presentations, Career Portal, etc.) during your studies?

Since the first week of the master, all of us have attended classes led by members of the IE Talent & Careers department to advize us on our professional future. I’ve also used the Career Portal to apply to various jobs, and I have met with our advisor on various occasions to receive personalized advice.