Pablo Caetano | IE Law School

Pablo Caetano

About me

I was born in Seville 27 years ago. After finishing the Bachelor of Health Sciences, I chose to study a Dual Degree in Law and Criminology because it offered me a vision of two disciplines. On the one hand, the legal sector is part of the humanities, while criminology is rooted in science. I began the dual degree at the San Pablo CEU University in Madrid about 10 years ago. During the third year of my degree, I requested a transfer to the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. I finished my studies in Law and Criminology there, after doing an extracurricular internship in a local firm, and another as part of my program in the Seville Public Prosecutor's Office.

shapePablo Caetano
case2Master's Student
studentDoble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas
Pablo Caetano | IE Law School

"The program’s values and international vision help you become a proactive and versatile professional who is able to offer any business legal advice—not only integral but also strategic."

Pablo Caetano

What are you currently doing?

In December last year I drastically changed my career path. I went from being part of the litigation and arbitration team in an international firm to joining as an analyst at Santander Bank, working in Anti-money Laundering and Countering Terrorism (aml/kyc).

It’s important that any activities carried out by companies are transparent. My role is to analyze, classify and evaluate the associated risk when entities want to solicit a service or product. I also help update existing products or services to verify that they comply with Anti-money Laundering and Countering Terrorism standards and requirements. It’s a process that allows me to collaborate with other departments and continue learning to remain up to date with the constant regulation modifications, both at a national and international level.

The truth is that my academic trajectory was always aimed more toward the legal sector than the financial sector. By that I mean pure legal practice. Having worked in two law firms, becoming an analyst represented a new challenge: new procedures, various analytical tools, continuous learning and restructuring of ideas and mindsets. In my current role, I value the team dynamic and flexibility, the environment of growth and achievement, and the excitement of taking on a new project. As for the position’s most relevant aspects, you need to be motivated every day and be open to continuous learning, which will also guarantee my future progression in the sector.

What would you highlight about the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas at IE University?

I believe that the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas adds a lot of value for every student. Its teaching methodology helps bridge the gap between academia and finding your way into the labor market. The program’s values and international vision help you become a proactive and versatile professional who is able to offer any business legal advice—not only integral but also strategic. There are very high expectations placed on both students and teachers, which requires novel teaching methods that are in line with today’s market.

These added values have allowed me to adapt to new professional challenges, evolve and manage changes, as well as focusing on professional opportunities and carrying out activities.

What did moving from Seville to Madrid to study at IE Law School mean to you?

I don’t remember it being a big change to face the challenges of a new city, as I had studied in Madrid for two years and lived in dorms. Besides, I lived in the UK for a year after university. I suppose these two experiences allowed me, to some extent, to fit in and face this new chapter head on. That said, I think it’s healthy and natural to have some insecurity and uncertainty. Above all, it’s healthy to long for family, friends, places and activities at the beginning of every chapter. Personally, I was lucky enough to have friends in Madrid—either from CEU or Seville, or those who I met at IE Law School.

What advice would you give any young people who want to study or who are enrolled in the Doble Máster en Abogacía at IE Law School?

During the program, you have to push yourself to the max every day. Be self-sufficient and want to learn on your own. But above all, you have to learn from other colleagues and from teachers. It’s been quite a while since individual work gave way to teamwork. Collaborating and learning in groups provides an immense source of information, as well as fantastic moments and experiences. It allows everyone to adapt to any environment with greater dexterity and flexibility. Once the program is complete, you need to choose where you’ll carry out your Spanish Law Access internship (Acceso a la Abogacía). Keep your vision of the future in mind as you choose and evaluate various professional profiles and options for advancement. There’s no reason one of the top ten companies has to be better than a boutique, nor vice versa. Each place is perfect for a specific profile. So forcing yourself to fit into a firm doesn’t guarantee success. Being proactive and eager will help you find what you want. If you can choose an area that matches your priorities, it also helps you stand out in the position. Showing interest in the area, striving daily to improve and being eager to excel will make you a better legal consultant. You can do it!

What hobbies to you have?

I consider myself a naturally sociable person, in both personal and professional contexts. I like to travel, discover new places and meet new people. In my spare time, I like to hang out with friends, maintain my social relationships and enjoy a good movie or play.