Pablo García

Pablo García Muñoz

About me

I’m from Madrid and IE Law School has accompanied me throughout my academic life. I completed the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) there first. Then I enrolled in the bilingual Doble Máster en Abogacía y Procura + Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (LL.M.).

Over the years, I’ve learned that, with time, law goes from being a simple subject or a profession to becoming a passion. But I'm also fascinated by history: I'm always reading or listening to podcasts on the subject, and when I travel to any city, I like to soak up its heritage. I love looking for the historical meaning of things.

shapePablo García Muñoz
case2Master's Student
studentDoble Máster en Abogacía y Procura + Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (LL.M.)
Pablo García | IE Law School

"Studying at IE University is a unique and comprehensive experience: not only have I learned a lot, but I’ve also discovered a whole world outside of the academic environment."

Pablo García Muñoz

A prestigious institution that offers constant support

Pablo García | IE Law School

From a very young age, Pablo had the opportunity to study abroad. After studying at an English school, he wanted to continue his education in an international environment, and IE Law School seemed like the perfect place to do so.

In addition to pursuing a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) at IE Law School, Pablo simultaneously studied a law degree in English at The University of Law. Closing that part of his academic life, he spent a year in London completing the Legal Practice Course, a postgraduate course that enables registration and practice of law in the United Kingdom. IE University was very helpful throughout the process, as it helped him greatly in balancing both programs, he acknowledges.  

At the end of both programs, he decided to prepare for his entrance exam to the legal profession with the Doble Máster en Abogacía y Procura + Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (LL.M.). Throughout his time with IE University, he has come to value not only the institution’s academic excellence—something he was already counting on—but also the many learning opportunities on offer beyond the classroom: networking events, clubs, law-specific labs, presentations by professionals and more. “Very useful events for my career,” he says.

He considers the IE Experience to be unique and comprehensive, saying it has made him a better professional. “I've been very lucky with both my professors and my classmates,” he explains. The faculty is made up of expert professionals who not only teach legal theory, but also provide insight into what the professional world is like. As for his peers, they enrich the experience even more, as they come from all over the world and bring unique perspectives to class discussions.

Pablo García | IE Law SchoolStudying a dual master's degree is not easy and, of course, Pablo has gone through hard times. But there’s been nothing he hasn’t been able to overcome, thanks to the support of his classmates and his family. IE Law School also gave him the opportunity to participate in a mentoring program, in which he was assigned a mentor lawyer who helped him in those moments when he wasn’t sure what to do.

Pablo García | IE Law School

Aware of how important it is for any future lawyer to learn from the experience of others, Pablo has launched  mylegalcy. The online portal publishes interviews with professionals from the legal world, so law students can get some practical advice and prepare for the professional reality that awaits them.

Internships are also essential before entering the job market. Luckily, IE Law School students receive the support of IE Talent & Careers. Thanks to their advice, Pablo has been able to design an attractive and well-structured resume and participate in group activities that have helped him to face the recruitment processes. “You're always accompanied,” he explains.

For Pablo, IE Law School is a highly advanced institution, offering a vision of the future of the legal world. That’s why he recommends it to anyone who wants to become a lawyer. But he stresses that to be successful, you have to work hard, giving it your all from the first day of classes. “In the end, when you look at it with some perspective, if you make an effort during the program and take the opportunity to meet a lot of people, you can be very happy and plan for a successful career,” he concludes.