Soledad Atienza

Soledad Atienza is the Dean of IE Law School and has an extensive academic experience and a global vision of legal education. Prior to that, she practiced law at the leading Spanish law firm Pérez-Llorca for five years.

She earned her Ph.D. in Social Sciences from IE University and is currently a law professor. Her expertise includes the areas of comparative law and legal teaching methods. Soledad has an Executive MBA degree from IE Business School and a Certificate in European Studies from the European Institute of the University of Saarland in Germany. She was a visiting student at Cornell University in New York and holds a law degree from the CEU San Pablo University in Spain.

Soledad Atienza is Co-President of the Law Schools Global League (LSGL); Co-Vice president of the Commission for the Future of Legal Services of the IBA (International Bar Association); and has co-directed the “Blueprint on global legal education”. She is also Co-Director of the Pérez-Llorca / IE Chair of Business Law and author of the book “Enseñar Derecho. ¿Puede servirnos la experiencia de Estados Unidos?” (“Teaching Law: Can the U.S. experience help us?”), published by Editorial Aranzadi.


• Dean IE Law School, 2020 – Present

• Vice Dean for International Relations, IE Law School, 2015 – 2020

• Director Undergraduate Studies in Law, IE University, 2010 – 2020

• Associate Director Master programs IE Law School, 2005 – 2010


• PhD in Social Sciences, IE University, 2012

• Ex MBA, IE Business School, 2003 – 2004

• ZertifiKat über Europäische Studien, Europa Institut, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany) , 1996 – 1998

• Law Degree, CEU San Pablo, 1991 – 1996


• Lawyer, Pérez-Llorca Law firm, 1998 – 2003

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