California Bar Examination and SQE study now possible through IE Law School's partnership with BARBRI

With this new agreement, IE Law School becomes the first European Law School to offer a Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Dobles Masters en Abogacía students and alumni the opportunity to study American, English and Welsh law and acquire the necessary credentials to make global practice a reality.

As we live in an increasingly globalized, interdependent world and the demand for legal professionals who understand the workings and complexities of more than one legal system continues to grow, we need to train lawyers with a global mindset.

At IE Law School, we are committed to fostering global legal education so that lawyers can pursue careers internationally, across different legal systems, and manage trans-border transactions and multijurisdictional issues.

To bridge the gap, we have partnered with BARBRI, the number one bar examination review course in the United States, to give our Master of Laws (LL.M.) and Doble Máster en Abogacía students and alumni the chance to take the California Bar Examination to become qualified to practice law in the US, or the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) to practice in England and Wales. BARBRI has been ranked the number one bar review course thanks to its innovative and flexible study tools. More law students have passed the bar exam using BARBRI than all other courses combined.

"We're excited to partner with one of Europe’s most distinguished law school's to offer IE students the opportunity to take advantage of BARBRI's expertise and best practices in U.S. bar preparation. BARBRI uses the highest quality and most innovative education technology to achieve high pass rates for those studying with us,” said Robert Dudley, Regional Director of BARBRI.

IE Law School is the only European academic institution partnered with BARBRI, resulting in a unique opportunity for our students and alumni. Global practice is, therefore, a reality for flexible, outstanding lawyers whose ambitions lie overseas.

BARBRI’s Extended U.S. Bar Exam Prep. program is designed with adaptability in mind; more specifically, it’s designed to help non-U.S. and qualified lawyers pass the California Bar Exam. This 10-month, online program’s aim is to open doors to practicing in the US for lawyers who aren’t educated there. And now, it’s not just the doors to the United States that can be opened at IE Law School.

Its Law Master Study Keys break main subjects into 30 key rules each, making revision easier. Throughout the program, qualified mentors will be on hand to provide support. And BARBRI’s methods are proven—76% of BARBRI international students who completed 80% or more of the Personal Study Plan passed the bar exam. These numbers are unmatched by any other course.

For any legal professionals eager to practice in England and Wales, the partnership with BARBRI also affords the opportunity to prepare for the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE), which is mandatory to practice in this jurisdiction from 2021 onwards. This flexible program is open to both lawyers and non-law students worldwide. What’s more, with BARBRI, you can gain access to a flexible study plan, one-on-one support and a full, complementary set of materials.

The examination is broken down into two distinct phases: SQE1 and SQE2. SQE1 consists of a computer-based assessment that covers functioning legal knowledge. You will be tested on both substantive and procedural law over two multiple choice exams, each comprising 180 questions. This part of the examination is designed to test your ability to apply legal concepts, solve problems and make decisions.

Once you’ve passed the first stage, you will begin preparing for the SQE2. This centers on more practical skills, including: client interviews, advocacy, case and matter analysis, legal research and written advice, legal drafting and simulated role plays.

The programs that can benefit from this agreement are: