Tenth annual ICON·S conference: an opportunity to discuss the future of public Law

IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference

Organized by IE Law School, this prestigious event will bring together experts from all over the world at IE Tower (Madrid) in July.

The many changes that our society is going through raise urgent questions about public law. How can we adapt to the challenges of this new reality? What is our role in the race for sustainability? What impact will artificial intelligence have?

These issues lie at the heart of the 10th Annual ICON·S Conference, whose theme is “The future of public law: resilience, sustainability and artificial intelligence.” The event is organized by IE Law School, and will be held at IE Tower in Madrid, from July 8th to 10th.

ICON·S, a society dedicated to the progress of public law

ICON·S is an interdisciplinary, scientific forum that brings together over 5,000 experts from around the world to discuss challenges and advances in this branch of the legal system. Its annual conference, one of the most anticipated specialized events of the year, is a meeting point for lawyers, academics and judges to exchange ideas, network and initiate collaborative projects.

The future of public law: resilience, sustainability and artificial intelligence

This year's conference invites us to reflect on the future of public law and its role in the face of some of society’s most worrying challenges. In the context of the global fight against climate change, public law can contribute to achieving a balance between economic growth, environmental protection and social equality. In the technology field, where the rapid development of artificial intelligence has profound social, ethical and legal implications, public law can offer solutions to problems such as the violation of fundamental rights, transparency or legal liability arising from the use of algorithms. Furthermore, in a world where change has become the norm, we must reflect on the capacity of legal structures and instruments to anticipate and adapt to crises that may occur in the future. This applies both in political and socio-economic spheres and in health or environmental emergencies.

Following a successful call for papers, the conference plans to bring together more than 2,000 academics and experts from around the world, including:

  • Richard Albert (Co-President of ICON·S and William Stamps Farish Professor in Law, University of Texas).
  • Anu Bradford (Henry L. Moses Professor of Law, Columbia University).
  • Marta Cartabia (Co-President of ICON·S and Professor of Constitutional Law, Università Bocconi).
  • Sabino Cassesse (Professor Emeritus, Scuola Normale Superiore).
  • Gráinne de Burca (Professor of Law, European University Institute).
  • Nancy Herández López (President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights).
  • Ran Hirschl (David R. Cameron Distinguished Professor in Law and Politics, University of Toronto).
  • Síofra O’Leary (President of the European Court of Human Rights).
  • Eleanor Sharpston (Former Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union).
  • John Tasioulas (Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy, University of Oxford).
  • Joseph H.H. Weiler (Joseph Straus Professor of Law, New York University).


The academic design of the Conference is carried out by ICON·S and the following professors from the IE Law School faculty: Antonios Kouroutakis, Federica Coppola, Fernando Pastor, François Delerue, Marie-José Garot, Marina Aksenova, Sergio Verdugo, Sonsoles Arias, and Yuliya Kaspiarovich.

The Conference is sponsored by the research project PID2020-115834RA of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the following academic entities.


  • Logo IE Law School
  • Logo of the International Society of Public Law featuring white text on a red background.


  • Logo IE Lawahead Center on the Legal Profession
  • Logo Law School Global League
  • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación España
  • Logo Brill | Nijhoff
  • Logo Edward Elgar Publishing
  • The image displays the logo of Fundación Notariado, featuring stylized letters 'N' in blue and gold colors next to the full name of the foundation.
  • A stylized black and white illustration of a deer with the text 'HART PUBLISHING' below it.
  • Logo of IE University, featuring the text 'IE UNIVERSITY LAW TOMATION JEAN MONNET CENTRE' on a dark background.
  • The image shows the acronym 'IRPA' in white letters on a magenta background.
  • Logo Max Planck Law
  • Promotional flyer for The Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice at NYU, featuring a blue illustration of a building surrounded by stars.
  • Logo of the University of Münster, featuring stylized buildings and text.
  • A crest featuring a red and green shield with a lion, two crossed keys, and a banner with the Latin words 'CORDE MANU ET MENTE'.

Photos: Annual ICON·S Conference 2023 (New Zeland)

  • IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference
  • IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference
  • IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference
  • IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference
  • IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference
  • IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference
  • IE Law School will host the next ICON·S annual conference