Advanced Leadership Program in Healthcare
The total cost of tuition for the Advanced Leadership Program in Healthcare is: €19,900.
The price for being a King´s Alumni or an IE Alumni is €14,925 (25% scholarship). Alumni scholarship may also apply in other programs. King’s Health Partners staff qualify for the King’s alumni fee.
The price includes the sessions, the study material, the lunch during the face-to-face periods in London and Madrid, as well as extracurricular leisure activities and networking.
The candidate is required to submit an admissions application which includes his/her personal details and professional experience. Once received, an interview will take place to provide the candidate with additional program information to ensure that it fits his/her personal and professional objectives. At this point in the admissions process, the candidate’s overall profile will be evaluated by the Admissions Committee and the decision will be communicated to the candidate shortly thereafter.
The possibility exists to secure financing for any of our Executive Education programs thanks to different agreements that IE Business School enjoys with various financial institutions. Furthermore, the IE Foundation has funds reserved exclusively for scholarships made possible by generous donations from alumni, private businesses and non-profit organizations. More info: