In this course, you will learn about the procedures and practices employed by organizations to effectively manage and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks or security breaches on their systems. In today's digital landscape, it is crucial for organizations to have a well-defined incident response plan in place. This plan outlines the necessary steps to be taken in the event of a cyber incident, including detection, containment, eradication, and recovery. By implementing a robust cyber incident response strategy, organizations can minimize the damage caused by an attack, reduce downtime, and safeguard their valuable assets and information from potential breaches.
On demand
- Mon - Thu: 18:30 - 21:30
- Fri: 16:00 - 19:00
As this bootcamp is based on the hands-on learning experience, we will count with the most revolutionary learning platform which offers interactive and dynamic approach to skill developments, a category leader (Forrester 2023) trusted by the world’s largest organizations: Immersive Labs
We will have a library of +400 exercises based on real-world challenges to enhance student knowledge and expertise in various fields within Cybersecurity. Exercise counts with live sandbox environments to provide a differential learning experience.
- Claudio AlonsoProgram Advisor
If you need further information about the program, please contact us.
- 01.
The program focuses on teaching the main domains of cybersecurity in an almost 60% hands on approach by integrating the most powerful tools to simulate real situations.
- 02.
World Class Faculty
Learn from industry professionals currently employed in top-tier TIER 1 companies, ensuring you receive instruction from the best in the field.
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Comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity practices
Deep dive in the four key practices: Cybersecurity Protection, CyberIntelligence, Detection and response and Cybersecurity Resilience.
- 04.
An innovative perspective about the present and the future of the cybersecurity practice
A clear roadmap of the most promising technologies and trends in cybersecurity Innovation. We will talk about the current technological news, applications or technologies that are not yet much integrated within security but can turn into relevant (i.e., IoT, AI, blockchain, Quantum Computing, etc.)
- 05.
Unlock new job opportunities by acquiring valuable skills and staying adaptable in a dynamic professional landscape
Job opportunities: With the number of unfilled cybersecurity positions worldwide growing by 350% over the last decade, from 1 million to 3.5 million according to Fortune, the program opens doors to a field where job opportunities are predicted to remain abundant in the coming years.
- PRACTICAL HANDS-ON LEARNINGIE Bootcamps are relevant and highly engaging from day one. Guided by our expert faculty and tutors, you’ll get to apply the concepts you have discovered in the class in real world situations and with the actual tools you will use in today´s workplace.
- ENHANCE YOUR EMPLOYABILITYIE Bootcamps are designed with deep and up-to-date research of most demanded skills in the market. Yes there is a real shortage in certain roles and functions! We prepare you to be the ideal candidate for these highly sought-after positions across a variety of industries.
- INTERNATIONAL IMMERSIONWhat’s more, immersed in our international environment, you’ll gain a richer global perspective of today’s needs and challenges for young talent like yourself.
- BUILD RESILIENCEThe IE Bootcamp will train you to work collaboratively in highly demanding environments and prepare you for a successful and sustainable career.
- STACK YOUR LEARNINGIE Bootcamp maybe the first step in your journey to discover a new field. If you wish to gain deeper expertise IE Bootcamp´s course credits may be applied to selected master’s program at IE University so that you can continue building on this initial learning journey.
The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition brings together Member States, companies, social partners, non-profit organisations and education providers, who take action to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe. IE University has pledged to carry out actions to reduce the digital skills gap in Europe by developing digital skills to enable all citizens to be active in our digital society and by transforming teaching and learning of digital skills in a lifelong learning perspective.
As an IE alumni you are part of our community, and we want to support your passion for Lifelong Learning. Therefore, all IE alumni receive 25%* off tuition fees for all Executive Education programs.
*Alumni from Intensive Programs (less than a week duration), Summer Schools or High Impact Online Programs will receive 15% off.
Neither scholarship is compatible with other deductions.
At IE, we are committed to encouraging companies to enroll teams of their employees. We believe this allows them to explore new perspectives together and speak a shared language of change. Companies that sign a Corporate Agreement are eligible for a 15% off the tuition fee for Executive Education programs for group of employees. Additional services and support may also be available for a Corporate Partner Agreement.
Neither scholarship is compatible with other deductions.
Data Science Bootcamp
The Data Science Bootcamp aims to foster curiosity about data and the related decision-making possibilities. Participants learn how to acquire, clean, structure, store, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data from diverse sources, in order to answer complex business questions.