Financial Decision Making | IE Lifelong Learning

Financial Decision Making

A program for non finance professionals
Logo IE Business School negativo
Start dateMay 7th, 2025
Duration6 weeks
Tuition Fees€1.950


The program is supported by a distinguished faculty composed of highly qualified and passionate experts in their respective fields of knowledge. Our professors bring extensive experience from both the academic and practical domains, enabling them to deliver dynamic and relevant classes to our students.

Each of our professors is committed not only to academic excellence but also to the personal and professional development of the students. Moreover, the faculty keeps abreast of the latest trends and advancements in their field, ensuring that students acquire the most relevant and up-to-date knowledge and skills to tackle the challenges of the modern world.


Academic Director of Financial Decision Making

Virginia Bombín is adjunct professor in corporate finance at IE Business School and Headspring, a FT|IE Business School joint venture. She is also an independent financial consultant for Small and Medium size Enterprises and Start-ups.

She is specially interested on Economic Value Creation and the best metrics to assess it. This interest has been applied to many companies during many years.

Virginia has also developed business plans for clients including market research, financial modelling and valuation.

She is also Mifid 2 Academic Director for the Programs, Certificates and the Recertification newsletters, within the banking industry.

Virginia has been teaching corporate finance for the last 20 years in Masters, executive education and tailor-made programs for companies such as Ferrovial, Telefonica, Uria, Orange, Inditex, Accenture, Endesa, PwC, Dimension Data, Santander, BBVA, London Stock Exchange, Maxam, Gestamp, Roche, Nissan, OTSU, and many more.


• Associated Director for Operations at the FT|IE Corporate Learning Alliance (FT|IE CLA), London, UK.

• Director of Faculty at the IElearning Network, IE Business School, Madrid.

• International Projects Manager at the IE Business School Management College, Madrid.

• Open Programmes Manager at the IE Business School Management College, Madrid.


• Adjunct Professor of Corporate Finance, IE Business School, Spain, 1998-Present

• Lecturer and facilitator at Headspring, the FT-IE joint venture, since foundation


• MBA in Business Administration IE Business School, Spain

• Bachelor in Business Administration, European University, Madrid-Brussels

Virginia Bombín - IE

Virginia Bombín

Academic Director, Financial Decision Making

Finance Professor at IE Business School and Financial Times IE Corporate Learning Alliance

Academic Director of Financial Decision Making

Carmen Alonso-Muñoyerro began her career in the field of finance working for Banco Santander focused on the capital markets division. She has 11 years of work experience as a bond issuer and a commodities futures trader. She has also participated in running the financial side of an SME. Carmen´s extensive experience together with accumulated theory make her a unique finance professor at IE.

Carmen Alonso-Muñoyerro | IE Lifelong Learning

Carmen Alonso-Muñoyerro

Academic Director, Financial Decision Making

Finance Professor at IE

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