Events and News

Observatorio de Derecho Digital IE - ECIJA

Presentation of report: METAVERSE AND TOKENIZATION

June 22nd at 2:00 PM at IE Paper Pavilion.

The IE Digital Law Observatory – ECIJA invites you to the presentation of its fourth report, the result of a focus group composed of directors and managers of legal departments from Sanitas, Huawei, Telefónica, Prosegur, Renault, and PepsiCo.


2:00-2:30 PM: Reception

2:30-2:45 PM: Presentation of the report by Cristina Villasante, Partner at ECIJA.

2:45-3:30 PM: Round table “Legal opportunities in the tokenized economy and the metaverse in the business environment”.

Moderated by Maria Pedrosa, Legal Tech and Knowledge Management Manager at Repsol, with the participation of:

Lucia Conde, Head of Legal Spain Consumer Business Department at Huawei. Enrique Peloche, DPO at LaLiga. Ignacio Gurpegui Aparicio, Chief Intellectual Property Officer at Prosegur.