IE University Official and Private Degrees
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IE University is a globally prestigious institution committed to excellence in research and academics. It offers academic programs in various fields of knowledge, grouped into five schools: IE Business School, IE Law School, IE School of Science and Technology, IE School of Architecture and Design and IE School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs. IE University is authorized by Spanish authorities to grant official and private degrees.
Official University Degrees
Official University Degrees
IE University grants official undergraduate and graduate degrees (Master’s and PhD Degrees) and consequently grants Official University Degrees, approved and recognized by the Spanish government. The University is accredited in the Ministry of Education’s National Registry of Universities, Institutions and Degrees, while its curriculum has been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process).
In addition, IE University offers Master’s degrees that are specially oriented towards the practical application of studies. Its training and curricula are constantly updated, all while maintaining IE’s standards for academic excellence. University Private Degrees, while they are unofficial and do not qualify graduates for doctorate programs, have the guarantee of being granted by an educational institution that is legally authorized to grant University Private Degrees. Private university degrees are provided by the Spanish law.Â
University Private Degrees originated from IE’s commitment to respond to society’s needs and demands by offering innovative training and a holistic, unique learning experience.  They include those areas of knowledge that involve certain special conditions that make them much more difficult to carry out in the context of more traditionally regulated education.Â
Education in emerging fields of knowledge or in ones that combine interdisciplinary knowledge that requires adaptable teaching methods.Â