IE School of Architecture and Design welcomes Ben van Berkel, co-founder and principal architect of UNStudio and UNSense, to IE Tower on Wednesday, February 9th for the official launch of its new Master in Architecture.

“Architect Ben van Berkel leads one of the most exciting and innovative firms in Europe today,  and will undoubtedly make a great contribution to a relevant and inspiring learning experience in the Master in Architecture. We are thrilled that he is collaborating with our School to bring together the best of international experience and academics for a truly 21 -century degree”.

Martha Thorne, Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design

Ben van Berkel is Thesis Chair for the School's Master in Architecture, a program for students looking to complete their professional architectural licensure requirements in Spain and the European Union, and to experience an international, innovation-based approach to the profession.

“This is the degree that makes you an architect in Spain and by extension, the rest of Europe. But more importantly, our program helps you rethink what it means to be an architect in the first place, and to open yourself up to international practice”

David Goodman, Associate Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design