Najat Maala visits IE University

On November 14th of last year, the Provost’s Office had the pleasure of welcoming the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children at IE Tower.
The SRSG is a global independent advocate in favor of the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against children. This role acts as a bridge builder and catalyst for actions in all regions and across sectors and settings where violence against children may occur. The SRSG mobilizes action and political support to maintain momentum around this agenda and generate renewed concern for the harmful effects of violence on children, promoting behavioral and social change to achieve effective progress.
Who is najat maala M’JID
Dr. M’Jid, a medical doctor in pediatrics, has devoted her life to the promotion and protection of children’s rights over the last three decades. She was the Head of the Pediatric Department and Director of the Hay Hassani Mother-Child Hospital in Casablanca.
Dr. M’Jid was a member of the Moroccan National Council on Human Rights and founder of the non-governmental organization Bayti, the first program addressing the situation of children living and working on the streets of Morocco.
From 2008 to 2014, she served as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography. Dr. M’Jid has also worked as an Expert-Consultant for national and international projects, strategies, and policies relating to the promotion and protection of child rights.
She has extensive experience in the development of national policies on child protection and has collaborated with several governments, non-governmental organizations, and intergovernmental organizations.
collaborative hackathon between un office violence against the children and ie university
The Strategy and Development team of the Provost’s Office has been working closely with this institution on a collaborative hackathon focused on Children Protection Through Online Participation.
The objective of this hackathon is to support the Protection through Online Participation (POP) initiative by developing innovative proposals that align with the goal of understanding and enhancing how children and youth can use digital platforms safely.