Undergraduate | IE Registrar's Office

For Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Students


Current students of undergraduate degrees and graduates can access the following resources, where they can complete various official academic processes throughout their time at IE University.

How to get in contact

The Undergraduate Registrar's Office has different channels for queries and submitting documentation.

- For queries related to requesting your degree certificate, official certificates or submission of documentation, contact registrar.university@ie.edu
- For queries relating to enrollment, contact matricula.university@ie.edu

During August our office hours will be from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00.

Please note that the office is open from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The office will remain closed during national public holidays, local Madrid and Segovia municipality holidays, and all of the public holidays in the Community of Madrid and the Community of Castilla y León.


  • Freshmen and Transfer Students | IE Registrar's Office


    Once you have been admitted to IE University and received your final grades, the Admission Department will guide you through the enrollment process. In this section, you will find complete information regarding the enrollment steps, payment options and legal requirements to enroll at IE University.

  • Online enrollment for continuing students in their second year and onwards | IE Registrar's Office

    Online enrollment for continuing students in their second year and onwards

    In this section, you will find all the information you need for the different Enrollment Phases and all the related procedures.

  • Official academic calendar 2020/2021 | IE Registrar's Office

    Official academic calendar 2022/2023

    The enrollment dates are subject to change. For official dates, please check “Enrollment for Continuing Students.”

  • Undergraduate Studies at IE University | IE Registrar's Office

    Undergraduate Studies at IE University

    The current list of official undergraduate programs is available through the following link.


  • When you have completed all the ECTS in your Study Plan, you can request your Official Degree by accessing the following link.

    Once your diploma is ready, you should book an appointment to pick it up at our offices.

    Attention! This procedure can only be requested by students who have completed an undergraduate program at IE University.

  • A certificate of your grades, also known as a Personal Academic Certification, is an official accreditation document that details the degree(s), subjects and qualification(s) earned. You must request this certificate yourself.

    You may do so by accessing the following link.

    Attention! This procedure can only be requested by students who are studying an undergraduate program at IE University. Students who are part of the Visiting Student Program or Undergraduate Exchange Program cannot apply. 

  • Simultaneous studies refer to when a student completes more than one undergraduate program at the same time at a Spanish university. Students may apply for simultaneous studies once they are enrolled at IE University, have passed their first year and have not yet graduated.

    Students must request at the Registrar's Office a transfer of their Official Academic Certificate for simultaneity of studies. Once the student has submitted their request they will receive confirmation of their transfer, which will allow them to enroll at their university of choice once they have been admitted. The application period is set by the target university, which will indicate the appropriate deadline.

    Simultaneous studies can be requested by accessing the following link.

    Attention! This procedure can only be requested by students who are studying an undergraduate program at IE University. Students who are part of the Visiting Student Program or Undergraduate Exchange Program cannot apply. 

  • Students may request a transfer of their Official Academic Certification (OAC). This is an official document that is internally processed by Spanish universities and enables students to commence their studies at another Spanish university. The OAC details the student’s degree(s), subjects and qualification(s), how the student was admitted to the corresponding studies and qualification, the target university and the enrolled degree.

    IE University students who have withdrawn from their studies or are in the process of doing so and have not yet received a degree may request an Academic records' transfer. Once you have submitted your request, you will receive confirmation of your file transfer in order to allow you to enroll at your university of choice. The application period is set by the target university, which will indicate the appropriate deadline.

    You may request a file transfer by accessing the following link.

    Attention! This procedure can only be requested by students who are studying an undergraduate program at IE University. Students who are part of the Visiting Student Program or Undergraduate Exchange Program cannot apply. 

  • A dispensation waiver exempts a student from taking a required test at an examination sitting for one or more subjects, without missing that/those entire examination sitting(s). An exemption may be granted when there are exceptional and justified circumstances that prevent the student from sitting the exam.

    Dispensation waivers are processed at the student’s request, which must be submitted before the start of the exam period.

    Students should contact the academic director of their program, who will grant or deny the dispensation after considering the student’s reasons for the exemption, as well as any supporting evidence provided.

  • Students may change their degree program and switch to the studies of their choice. To do so, students must send a request in writing to the academic director of the degree they are leaving as well as the academic director of the new degree, stating the qualifications they have obtained in the studies they have completed so far.

    The request must be made by the end of the first academic semester or at the end of the academic year.

    Attention! This procedure can only be requested by students who are studying an undergraduate program at IE University. Students who are part of the Visiting Student Program or Undergraduate Exchange Program cannot apply.

  • The recognition of credits is defined as the acceptance by IE University of credits that, having been obtained through official education (either at IE University or another institution), are counted towards other studies in order to obtain an official degree.

    Credit recognition requests are processed when students submit them. The student must already be registered in the degree program for which they are requesting recognition.

    • First year students who would like to transfer their credits must contact the Admissions Department.
    • Applications for credit recognition of subjects studied on other IE University programs, previous university studies, or higher education courses must be sent to the Undergraduate Office, which will decide if the activity can be recognized.
    • Credit recognition requests for language courses, seminars, IE University courses, student representation and other formative activities undertaken at IE University will be processed through the online credit recognition platform and within the established time period.

    Attention! This procedure can only be requested by students who are studying an undergraduate program at IE University. Students who are part of the Visiting Student Program or Undergraduate Exchange Program cannot apply.  

  • Students may withdraw from their studies at any time during the academic year by submitting a request in writing to the academic director of their program. Withdrawals are processed at the request of the student.

    Students in their first year must submit their request to their Admission Advisor before October 15. After this date, they should submit it to the academic director of the program they are studying.

    Students in their second to final year should submit their request to the academic director of the program they are studying.

  • To ensure all of your personal information is correctly reflected in all of the documents that IE University issues on your behalf, you must remember to update your personal information in the event of any change.

    With the exception of your ID document, all of your personal information can be updated directly on Campus Online.

    If you need to update your ID document (DNI, NIE or passport), please access to the following link.

  • If you need to certified copy of an official document issued by IE University, please access the following Link


  • Certificates are normally issued within five working days from the date the request is submitted. Nevertheless, IE University is not responsible for any delays that may occur.

  • If you need to collect a university degree from the Undergraduate Office and you live in Spain but not in the province of Madrid or Segovia, you can submit a written request to collect your degree from the government office closest to your home. Fill out this document and send it to registrar.university@ie.edu.

    If you live outside of Spain, you may submit a written request to collect your degree from a Spanish consulate or embassy. Fill out this document and send it to registrar.university@ie.edu.

  • If you would like someone to collect your Official Degree on your behalf, they may only do so if you grant them a power of attorney.

    To collect the EDS, you simply need to give written authorization specifying the name and ID number of the person collecting your document. Authorization must be sent to registrar.university@ie.edu.

  • An Official Degree is necessary for access to graduate studies, accrediting your studies for job applications and for legalization.

  • This document replaces your Official Degree for a year and has the same legal effect as the Official Degree. The Supplemental Certificate includes personal details as well as information about your degree and the degree’s national registration number. It is issued in English and Spanish in the months following your request.

  • They are issued in digital format and are signed electronically. The documents contain a QR and a secure verification code.