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Last-Mile Logistic Impact Index (LM-LII)

To evaluate the impact of the Last-Mile logistic network in the urban environment, the Center for Sustainable Cities has developed the Last-Mile Logistic Impact Index (LM-LII). This tool provides a quantitative measurement of the impact of logistics, based on environmental, functional, socioeconomic, urban, and information factors.

These factors are overlayed with the stakeholders, logistic facilities, delivery vehicles, and the urban fabric to evaluate the impacts.

The objective of the present research is to analyze and evaluate the impact of logistics in cities to achieve a positive impact in the urban environment while maintaining the efficiency and functionality of the logistics network.

To evaluate the impact of the logistic network in the urban environment, we developed a tool that we have called the Last-Mile LogisticImpact Index (LM-LII).

This tool provides a quantitative measurement of the impact of logistics, based on environmental, functional, socioeconomic, urban, and information factors. These factors are overlayed with the stakeholders, logistic facilities, delivery vehicles, and the urban fabric to evaluate the impacts.