Julia Getschko

Julia Getschko

About me

I’d describe myself as a curious and analytical individual who loves sharing knowledge and improving people’s lives. This is what first led me to explore architecture and innovation. Now I’m studying the Master in Business for Architecture and Design at IE University, alongside my work as an interior designer for a Brazilian-Portuguese studio. I also won the Outstanding Architecture and Design Final Thesis award in 2022, which I’m very proud of.

shapeJulia Getschko
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in Business for Architecture and Design
Julia Getschko

“This program not only aligns with my passion for combining architecture and innovation but also resonates deeply with the values of studios that inspire me.”

Julia Getschko

Innovating the architecture industry

Julia’s fascination with design thinking led to her first experience of the architecture and design worlds. Driven to expand her knowledge of the field and understand the range of tools made possible by design thinking, she joined a consultancy firm specializing in innovation and technology. Working at this firm inspired her to find new ways to combine architecture and innovation.

In 2022, Julia applied for the Outstanding Architecture and Design Thesis Award—an IE University scholarship competition that recognizes emerging talent studying architecture and design—and won. The award is open to anyone who graduated between 2012 and 2023 with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in architecture, design, interior design, product design, graphic design, landscape design or other related fields, and ranked in the top 25% of their class. The winners receive a scholarship to either the Master in Business for Architecture and Design or the Master in Architecture.

Julia’s winning project was called “Intentos por São Paulo: Ensaio Minhocão” and focused on São Paulo, her hometown. In her project, Julia discussed the relationship between space and life, aiming to find new ways to incorporate leisure spaces into urban areas. The project also explored how architecture can innovate by using familiar materials such as scaffolding for new purposes.

“I transformed from an enthusiastic newcomer to a well-informed player in the field.”

Now, Julia is completing her Master in Business for Architecture and Design at IE University. She says that one major reason she chose this program was to gain insights into the business side of her field. As an architect, Julia finds herself drawn to the intricate details of designs and understanding how they seamlessly come together to create a cohesive and functional whole. She believes this same attention to detail is essential in grasping the business aspect. You have to understand how elements come together, see the importance of the structures behind the masterpiece and make your projects both beautiful and financially viable.

Winning the award and joining IE University shifted Julia’s outlook on her future career dramatically—she says she went from being “an enthusiastic newcomer to a well-informed player in the field.” The knowledge and skills she is gaining through her studies have made her more confident in her future goals.

Julia has also been inspired by the studios and designers she’s been introduced to through the program. For example, she highlights Studio Banana as a “shining example of how agile and design thinking principles can successfully guide workplace design.” When she graduates, Julia sees herself “leveraging the expertise gained from the program to tackle crucial pain points in architecture and design, such as planning inefficiencies, process misalignment and poor customer service.”

Throughout her program, Julia has benefitted from IE University’s commitment to continuous learning. The program’s emphasis on adaptability has been the perfect platform to prepare her for the ever-evolving world of architecture. Ultimately, she hopes to contribute to more efficient, user-centered and impactful construction processes and is confident that her program will equip her with the tools and mindset to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. In fact, the program has already opened her eyes to behind-the-scenes roles where she can drive innovation by streamlining processes through strategic technology innovation.

Looking back on her time at IE University so far, Julia sums up her experience as priceless. “Connecting with and learning from diverse cultures has been a truly enriching experience,” she comments. She says that architecture and culture are deeply intertwined—culture affects how people behave and interact with their private and public spaces. Collaborating with peers from different backgrounds has broadened her understanding and opened up new possibilities for her career.