OPEN CALL: IE and JLL Design Wonder High Potential Award

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Muriel Waked | IE School of Architecture and Design

Muriel Waked

About me

I’m an architect with a master's degree in architecture from the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts in Lebanon. I also took part in an Erasmus program at Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium in a specialized master's program in urban planning. You can often find me wandering around cities with my camera, getting inspired, by watching people interact with their environments.

shapeMuriel Waked
case2Architect / Designer
studentMaster in Business for Architecture & Design
Muriel Waked | IE School of Architecture and Design

"Under the supervision of interdisciplinary influential leaders in the industry, I have developed coordination, data-driven storytelling, and regenerative design skills, dedicated to always delivering inclusive, people-centric experiences."

Muriel Waked

Architects construct more than buildings

For Muriel Waked, being an architect means more than just constructing buildings. In a world dealing with climate change, social inequity, and the digitalization of the global economy, this Lebanese visionary asserts that architects wield the power to construct a better planet. Muriel believes that the world of architecture needs more collaboration and less competition.

“If we collaborate, share winning formulas, work on a common learning curve, and pass it to the next generation, we can then begin to see real change.”

Currently, Muriel is pursuing her Master in Business for Architecture and Design. Inspired to solve economic crises as both an architect and volunteer, she enrolled in the program with four years of professional experience already behind her. But in an uncertain political situation in her native Lebanon, she has seen some of her architectural projects placed on hold, and has had to express her creative energies in other ways.

One of her main projects has involved co-launching a platform to support Lebanese producers in introducing their products to the international market. And perhaps there’s a clue in that as to her reasons for choosing her program. “My entrepreneurial spirit made me choose IE University, as I was thrilled to see that a symbiosis between design and business is possible and capable of wonders,” she tells us.

While Muriel asserts that the Master in Business for Architecture and Design has “immersed her at the core of the business world,” business alone is clearly not enough. She has always wanted to apply her creativity to serve the planet, and as such she came to IE University seeking that collaboration she believes the sector needs. She wanted to surround herself with others who share her vision and ambition to improve the world.

As an architect, not only has Muriel used her natural creativity to come up with architectural solutions to real needs, she’s also learned the importance of communicating innovative ideas in a meaningful way. She says this has allowed her to develop coordination, data-driven storytelling and regenerative design skills, and empowered her to continue developing her problem-solving abilities. She’s learned to thrive in changing environments and keep going, even when there aren’t any direct results. It’s an exponential curve, according to Muriel.

She also credits the program with teaching her how to implement new strategies, business models and technologies, and develop sustainable ventures. All the while, Muriel says that she’s expanding her creative, analytical and management skills, and importantly for her, she’s been teaming up with “brilliant minds.”

To describe the Master in Business for Architecture and Design program in one word, Muriel would say it’s been “eye-opening” on multiple levels. Not only has it exposed her to diverse cultures, viewpoints, and opportunities, it’s also given her an insight into achieving one’s vision as a changemaker. We have no doubt she’ll go on to do just that.