Nuno Cassamo| IE School of Architecture and Design

Nuno Cassamo

About me

I’m Nuno Cassamo, and I’m from Lisbon. I started out in consulting but developed an interest in real estate and decided to complete the Global Master in Real Estate Development while continuing my work in the real-estate department at Siemens. In the master’s, I’m happy to be able to connect with people who have different perspectives and gain a holistic perspective of the industry. I am also working simultaneously with a family business in Portugal called Greenrock that provides brokerage and project management services for mid-scale projects with a focus on Hotel transactions and Residential Buildings and the knowledge acquired during the master really emerged as a launching pad for improving my customer relations and technical knowledge in this field.

shapeNuno Cassamo
case2Real Estate Management at Siemens
studentGlobal Master in Real Estate Development
Nuno Cassamo | IE School of Architecture and Design

"The master’s provides a holistic approach to all aspects of the real-estate industry."

Nuno Cassamo

A prime example of a successful career shift, Nuno Cassamo started out with an economics background and then moved his career in consulting and actuarial services towards the real-estate industry. Now working as a financial controller in the real-estate department of Siemens, his main responsibilities include forecasting, handling client contracts, and so on. 

Nuno chose the Global Master in Real Estate Development as a means of accumulating more industry knowledge to solidify his long-term career plans. Nuno particularly appreciates the program’s hybrid format, which seamlessly blends online coursework with in-person workshops and exciting field trips to world-class cities including Madrid, Mexico City and London, along with other optional exchanges. Liquid Learning, IE University’s innovative approach to blended education, means that students can complete their coursework while balancing a career and other commitments. For Nuno, this means that he can continue his career in Lisbon while he earns his degree.

“I can connect with people who have different perspectives and get a holistic perspective of the industry.”

In addition to the flexibility the program affords, Nuno also cites the holistic learning approach and networking opportunities as key to his decision to come to IE University. With pertinent study themes such as globalization, digital technologies and sustainability, the course content tackles all the main topics shaping the real-estate industry today. 

Nuno notes that networking is key in this industry, and underlines the value of networking both with professors and with fellow students. The diverse backgrounds of his peers is enriching, and Nuno especially values the opportunity to connect with people from all angles of the real-estate industry.

Nuno credits the Global Master in Real Estate Development with expanding and deepening his knowledge as well as rendering his LinkedIn profile more attractive. For his next steps, he hopes to combine finance with investment in the real-estate industry, and he is confident that this master’s will pave the way.