Paula Echeverri | IE School of Architecture and Design

Paula Echeverri

About me

Paula Echeverri is a Colombian Architect Graduate from the University of Los Andes with a master's degree in historic preservation and postgraduate training in business administration and computational design (CDDMBT). She graduated in IE School of Architecture and Design from the Master in Business for Architecture and Design in 2013.

Paula developed an independent practice in the area of design and project structuring. Her practice currently participates from multidisciplinary teams that aim primarily to achieve the success and sustainability of projects through the experience of high quality holistic design.

shapePaula Echeverri
case2Architect and Founder at Echeverrimontes
studentMaster in Business for Architecture and Design
Paula Echeverri | IE School of Architecture and Design

"I am very proud of being part of a community that is as dynamic and creative as IE!"

Paula Echeverri

I have my own practice in Bogotá, Colombia. At Echeverrimontes we work within a group of multidisciplinary teams on the development of projects that range from architectural design to planning.

We have developed the skills that make of us recognized project leaders. Our distinguishing factor is that have been able to situate ourselves on the threshold between disciplines, which, coupled with our creativity and design thinking abilities, allows us to accomplish more complex problem solutions.

Paula Echeverri with MAMD classmates while in Madrid

The profile of the architecture professional has changed during the last few decades. The practice has experienced a technological shift while, at the same time, disciplinary boundaries blur in the face of higher complexity problems and challenges to creativity. Our challenge at Echeverrimontes is the consolidation of a computational design practice that relies on the construction of networks composed of creative minds and computers, relying on computational capabilities as much as creativity. Our professional research digs into the conditions in which a computational design thinker occupies a leading role within an interdisciplinary team, and how it represents a business opportunity in the context of innovation.

We set up a design experiment aiming to make an alternative proposal for the canopy of the British Museum courtyard in London, designed by Foster.

Paula Echeverri’s Project

Through the experiment a team of experts in computational design applied their knowledge for the design and optimization of a new canopy.

I am convinced that the skills that helped me make it up to here are a high degree of curiosity and resilience. My temper and perseverance have helped me travel the hard road of entrepreneurship leading to the consolidation of a professional practice once I had achieved more experience.

I am passionate about my job. I think being at the confluence of a highly rational and highly creative practice is an advantage that triggers innovative ideas and the ability to implement them.

It is an exciting world every day, each project brings complex realities that capture all our attention and take our capabilities to the edge.

I love my city, Bogotá. Colombia is a dynamic society with a future of development that challenges our creativity.

I am very proud of being part of a dynamic and creative community like IE School of Architecture and Design. During the program and thereafter I have had the opportunity to be immersed in the international environment, working with teams of international professionals. I have had the opportunity to open my mind to innovative tendencies in design and business that have given me the opportunity to shape my practice based on the latest architectural tendencies and thinking.